Katie - Meisya (2)

"Now, tell me about your childhood. What have you experienced while living in the palace? I want to know everything."

Then the two took turns telling each other about their childhood. They both were born with the same mother but grew up in entirely different environments.

Katie grew up with loving foster parents but didn't have any siblings to play with. On the other hand, Meisya grew up with her siblings, who loved her. However, she did not get any real parental love.

The two of them both told about their respective Umbra, which came from the Oostven tribe. Katie even described their uncle, Vasco, whom she had met and trained her in the other world. Meisya was shocked at first but felt delighted knowing that there were still families besides her mother in this world.

"One day, I will take you to Bayern to meet Grandpa Egon and grandmother Ode. They must be thrilled to meet you. They didn't know that our mother gave birth to twins."