The Calm Before The Storm

"Stanley, Tiffany said there was some foreign virus ruining it," Katie handed Stanley the platinum bracelet. "In the meantime, I'm deactivating it first so that the damage is not severe."

A foreign virus? That's impossible. No program could penetrate Tiffany's defense without her permission. However, Stanley did not argue as he started to remember something. "I'll try to fix it."

"Thank you."

Stanley directly went into his study room, where several colleagues were focused on their computers.

Stanley immediately put the platinum bracelet on his disk-place and called Eleanor.

"Do you remember I told you to put a P001 circuit in Tiffany? Did I cancel it?"

"Not yet, sir. Last week Tiffany hacked in here to check on the latest conditions in Prussia. I took the opportunity to plant the circuit as ordered."

Stanley frowns then massages his forehead. Suddenly his body felt exhausted, and his head felt heavy.