Kinsey vs Dimitri

It's been two days since Vincent and Cathy left for Russia. At first, Diego was fussy looking for his mother. Luckily Chleo managed to distract her brother, so he didn't cry anymore. Not to mention Meisya, who was full of patience to coax and soothe the baby boy.

Maybe it was because Meisya was pregnant that her maternal instincts became stronger. She was able to calm Diego down as well as get close to Chleo right away.

That morning Kinsey left to meet Mertun, while Stanley was still busy repairing the platinum bracelet for two days and two nights. Even though it was up late, Stanley would take a few minutes out to see his wife. After that, he would return to work on his computer.

Thus, those who accompanied Chleo and Diego were Meisya, Katie, and Tanya. Meisya cuddled Diego, who was still jet-lagged and still a little sleepy, while Katie and Tanya accompany Chleo playing Uno blocks.