The Ice Prince

In one of an elite house in Oberpflaz, Darcy was humming cheerfully. She was looking forward to Meisya's arrival at the cell that had been specially prepared for the girl. She would torture, chop her, and let her hungry men enjoy her. Of course, she would record all of this before sending it to Stanley.

It was her revenge for what Stanley had done to her family's company nine years ago.

I'm brilliant. Even more quick-witted than that nerdy Stanley. Darcy couldn't help but praised herself.

Rather than setting Meisya as a target that Stanley was sure to be very tightly protected, it was better for her to use the two kids as her targets.

She hacked all the information regarding the people working inside Regnz's residence. And Jenny was the easiest target to win over. Darcy ordered her men to catch Jenny's old hospitalized mother. Then she threatened Jenny to kill her mother if Jenny did not follow her will.