His Psychopath' Side

Darcy's minions were still busy on their respective computers hacking and destroying Stanley's defenses. Until exactly midnight, Darcy's laptop gave her a notification.

Darcy squealed happily that Stanley finally reactivated Bella. Darcy quickly tracks Bella's signal, and in an instant, she has found Stanley's current position.

She summoned ten of her men to come with her to attack where Stanley was. The villa guards must have been weak by now due to prolonged diarrhea. They would be easily attacked and then loot their valuables.

Darcy followed Bella's signal until she arrived at an uninhabited settlement. She was too happy that soon she would be able to see Stanley submitting to her. Darcy didn't feel suspicious or strange about this dark and desolate place. She was too blind and arrogant to know Stanley's real character. She was too confident that she would win this fight, and her revenge would be fulfilled.