Losing Was Not An Option

There was a crashing sound from a room in Oberplast. No one knew how many ceramic items were broken into pieces due to being thrown against the wall.

Lemar Delcrov was so angry that he slammed everything he could reach when he heard all his men who kidnapped Chleora Regnz ended up died mysteriously.

One of his spies stationed in the Netherlands also died of a frozen heart in the past. Now more than five of his men have even died from the same cause.

What kind of poison can freeze the heart? The only thing that could cause the heart to freeze is drowning in the freezing ocean. But not only did his heart freeze, but all the organs inside would do too, and his body would be stiff as a statue.

But this one... only the heart froze. The other organs were not frozen, and the body was not as rigid as an ice sculpture.

Besides being curious, he also felt angry. Who's secretly helping the Regnz family?