Sneak In To The Prison

Stanley, Kinsey, Katie, and some of the best Alpha-Zero members gathered in a room to discuss their strategy. On the other hand, Meisya waited in the family room accompanied by Cathy.

Meisya no longer has the appetite to eat. She was too worried about her mother. Even Cathy couldn't persuade her to eat, even if it were just eating snacks.

Cathy heard that in the last few days, Meisya's appetite had decreased since the kidnapping incident. Nutritional intake is essential for fetal development as a pregnant woman. What's more important was maintaining the mood of the future mothers.

Unfortunately, during these few days, Meisya could not feel comfortable lately. She was still filled with guilt for not being able to look after Chleo. Now she must be bothered with thoughts of her mother's condition.

It was very difficult for Meisya to calm down and feel at peace.