Hurting Each Other

Of course, she enjoyed the sweets, but he didn't need to know. Hera wouldn't want him to feel anymore smug than he already was. That arrogant Jerk has an ego as huge as a cow, so no need to boost it any further, right? 

"Huh, it was just like you, deceiving. Nice and beautiful to look from outside while the inside is ugly, hard and bitter." Hera said, trying to portray the feeling of distaste with her words as much as she could. Only she didn't get the results she was anticipating. She wanted to insult him. But Hunter only laughed in response. 

"Goddess, you're only deceiving yourself and no one else. You and I both know, you're lying. You're right about the hard part, though," he laughed again, and now Hera knew why. Thinking about that big Sweet Messenger, she blushed crimson red once again. Because somehow she guessed it, that the context of his conversation directly related to his manhood.