Duties, Distractions And Celebrations

Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, but Hera willed her heart not to crumble in front of him. 

Every word he spoke shattered her world. 

It was a very low blow, and even Hunter knew it. Bringing up that ugly past was the worst move, but it did the trick anyway. He was successful in hurting her. When she spoke, her voice sounded so broken. 

"Fuck you, Hunter," Hera uttered, gritting her teeth. "Trust me, Goddess. You will," Hunter promised and with that said, he disconnected her call and connected Bianca's. 

Bianca spoke to him for about ten minutes. She was checking on him to make sure he's okay. At least that's what she said. But Hunter knew her better. She was with Eric when he called him on his phone. Bianca had known he was in a phone conversation with Hera. She'd purposely called him to interrupt their conversation.