New Boss

A smile made its way into Hunter's face when he saw his father wrapping his arm around his mother's waist. He could tell that his father's heart fluttered as his mother smiled for him. She's the most beautiful woman, and her gorgeous smile alone brightens their whole day. She moved gracefully like a Queen along with her husband, playing the role of the perfect hostess. 

The diamonds adorning her slender neck, earlobes and her wrist shimmered as she moved. Her long sweeping silk gown matched the colour of Hunter's shirt perfectly while his father looked handsome as a devil dressed in all black as usual. No wonder Hunter too loved dressing in black. 

Hunter continued watching as men and women greeted his mother with a lovely smile as if they're delighted to meet her. Where in reality they're dying with jealousy. Jealous of her beauty, of her man holding her so possessively. Men were hiding their lustful desires behind those friendly smiles.