What's So Special About Her

Michael ignored her and Hera glared at him in return. She knew why her plea for help got royally ignored. Because it's Samantha, who's troubling her and the bitch was one among them. Why would they go against their own friend? But very conveniently they would come raging war against Hera if she even glanced at a boy. Just like as Samantha said earlier.

"Why are you so special, Hera?" Samantha asked, demanding Hera's attention. Hera didn't know what to do with her. She's too drunk, and it's useless to expect her to behave.

Samantha gave Hera the once-over and grimaced. Her face scrunched up in disgust as though Hera was a dirty litter. Honestly, Hera couldn't blame the girl. She grew conscious in the presence of Hunter's friends.