Think Of Lucifer And He Appears

Subconsciously smiling at the memory, Hera checked Hunter's wardrobe and found his sweatshirt and gym shorts. She changed into his clothes and got comfortable. This room, this bed, held sweet memories. Though she didn't know much about intimacy at that age, she still felt that those moments they spent together were special. 

Since Hera and Danny couldn't go to their home during weekends, they all used to spend that time here with Hunter and his friends. 

Hunter's parents were in another country. Mathew, his bodyguard, also acted as his guardian in their absence. Hunter's parents had given that power to him. School authorities never questioned Mathew whenever he came to take Hunter home. Hera never understood how or what Mathew did, but somehow he managed to persuade the school, and they let him take Hera, Abby and Danny as well along with Hunter.