Something's Wrong

Samantha grabbed one of Hunter's hands to get his attention. Hera's breath hitched, and she dropped her spoon on the table in reflex. 

She watched with distaste while Samantha intertwined her fingers with Hunter's and brought their hands to her chest. Her face showed concern as she spoke. 

Maybe she's asking him, what's wrong and why he's upset. Hera felt something aching in her chest as she witnessed Samantha, getting closer to him. A gasp escaped through her lips unknowingly, when Samantha's lips landed on his right cheek. "Couldn't she freaking stop herself from kissing him for at least ten minutes?" Celine whisper asked in Hera's ear as though she could read her mind. 

'Dear Lord! I can't be jealous. Am I though? No fucking way!' 

Who was she kidding? She knew, no matter how much she denied, she's jealous and to prove the point, her stubborn eyes refused to move away from the not so pleasant sight.