She Felt Cursed

Clara kept her burning gaze fixed on Hera when she asked, "Or were you planning to keep it a secret from your friends, Hera? Tell me, dear Hera, what is it that you can't stay away from him? Is it because he's too hot to look or because he's filthy rich? You're no different than any other sluts of our school, are you? Bloody gold digger!" Clara spat the words out in an accusing tone, face scrunched up with disgust. 

Hera was speechless. Though she's used to Clara's hatred towards her, she worried about her friends' reaction. She didn't know how to tell her friends, but she didn't want them to find out through a third person, either. "Is it true, Hera?" Andrew was the first one to ask. When Hera didn't answer him immediately, he snapped at her, "Why, Hera? After everything he made you suffer, you still went back to him. For God's sake, have some self-respect, Hera," Andrew said, clearly disappointed in her.