He's Hers To Love Or Hate

Hera was too tired and all that she wanted to do right at the moment was to curl on her bed and sleep to the oblivion. But that had to wait. She'd agreed to meet Andrew after the test, and she always preferred keeping her promises. 

Right after their lunch break when Hera reached her classroom, Andrew approached her and finally spoke to her. He'd politely asked if she could meet him after the test and Hera couldn't refuse. Andrew said he wanted to talk to her alone, so they decided to meet behind the old abandoned lab building. 

With a tired sigh, she dragged her unwilling feet towards the back of the old building of the school. 

She found the less uncomfortable place on the ground and sat leaning against the tree trunk. Though Hera hated waiting, she still did it patiently for her friend. As the minutes passed by, her eyelids started losing their strength and were half-closed already while she struggled to stay awake.