He Gets Away With Everything

The rough, dried outer bark of the tree stung her skin harshly, and Hera winced at the discomfort. Panicked, her gaze wandered, searching for something or someone. 

"Andy, you're making a mistake. Please stop it. You're going to regret this," Hera said, still trying to be nice to him. She didn't want to provoke and give him any more reason to get angry. He's not thinking straight as of now. Hera watched stupefied and upset while Andrew laughed. He sounded maniacal, and Hera could only pity him. 

"What? You're trying to threaten me that your boyfriend is going to beat me to a pulp?" He asked, still chuckling in mock amusement.

'He won't just beat you to a pulp. He will kill you.'