Her Love Story Has So Many Villains

Hera slowly walked, feet too tired to pick up any more speed than that lazy dragging. Hunter didn't see her coming as he was facing his front, gaze focused on Eric. But Eric noticed her as soon as she walked out of the washroom from the other corner. And he didn't miss how distressed her appearance was. She looked as if she would pass out at any moment. 

"Pixie," Eric called as she neared, but lost in her thoughts, Hera didn't hear his voice. 

Frowning, Hunter turned and saw her. Hugging her bag to her chest with one hand, she rubbed one of her eyes with the back of her free hand as if she's wiping the sleep away. Her face was bare without any hint of makeup, and he could tell she'd just washed her face. Pale pink dusted on her cheeks, the tip of her nose looked reddish than usual.