Keep It To PG Level

"You did, Hunter. You always do," Hera said, removing her hands from his hold only to cup his face in her palms. The anger shone brightly in his eyes, darkening the shade of his purple orbs. He let his guard down, revealing the hurt he'd been hiding for so long, and Hera couldn't bear seeing how vulnerable he appeared. He was her strength, her guardian angel. He's feeling so low and helpless, and she hated that she brought this upon him. 

"You've always kept me safe, Hunter. Your presence is enough to chase away my fears, and your touch magically erases all my worries. Your smile heals all my pain, and I never felt safer anywhere other than in your arms," Hera admitted, brushing her lips softly on his forehead. "I didn't tell you the truth only because," she paused, inhaling deeply. Hera tried to search the right words, framing her sentence in her mind, rehearsing before voicing it out.