She Saved His Life


Another day for Johnathan to mark in his life. By now, death seemed more enchanting than the sinful life he's living. Johnathan held back the anger bubbling inside. He couldn't wait to get out of his father's sight. 

After he met with Alastair, it was his father's turn to scrutinise and criticise him, but he's used to the notion of getting grilled mercilessly by Christopher. It'd almost become second nature to him, but only his words burned harsher than the fire. Head bent, eyes downcast, Johnathan was good at pretending to listen. 

"Where did you meet Alexander's son?" Christopher asked. Johnathan was startled at the sudden question, but masked the shock immediately with a look of confusion. He'd prepared himself for the queries about his disappearance from the country. But never expected his father asking about anything related to Alexander. The King appeared to be nonchalant, but Johnathan knew his father better.