Who Convinced Who

Sebastian hummed his response through the speaker of his cell phone. He paced in the living room as he listened attentively to the caller. However, his alert and cautious, eagle-like sharp eyes never once shifted from Johnathan. 

Johnathan had no clue who he'd been speaking to, but as soon as he disconnected the call, he marched towards him. The intensity of his anger from earlier had only doubled if that's even possible. Johnathan cowered back on instinct. Sebastian crouched down on his heels and grabbed Johnathan's hair in his fist, roughly yanking his head back. "Quick question and it'd be in your favour if you answer quickly too," he said warning beforehand. 

"I need your cell phone. Where's it?" He asked. Johnathan gulped. "I don't have it with me. It must be in my villa. I think I forgot to carry it," he replied, lying so effortlessly.

'Maybe lying comes naturally to people when subjected to violence.'