She Could Never Be Wrong

Fifteen Years Ago: 

Alexander remembered his conversation with Felicity before he agreed to spare Johnathan's life. 

In their temporary bedroom of that rented villa, he found himself torn between staying with Felicity and going after Johnathan's life. 

She was so fragile that she could hardly stand on her feet. Though Alexander couldn't wait to kill Johnathan, he had to spare his life for a few more minutes. Right then, Felicity needed Alexander's presence the most. Being the dutiful husband, Alexander chose to stay with her. 

Alexander's eyes met Johnathan's for a brief second before he shut their bedroom door close. Blood boiled in his veins, for he saw his enemy still breathing safe under his roof. 

As soon as he closed the door, he called Sebastian's phone, instructing him to keep an eye on his culprit.