Soulmates Don't Leave Their Other Half Alone

"I can't, Felci. If you die, how will I survive? How would I take care of our babies when I wouldn't be able to function myself? I would be dead both emotionally and physically," Alexander confessed, pleading with her like a child. "I said, I won't die, Alexander," Felicity said, sounding annoyed. She let out an exasperated sigh. "You're crying as if I'm already dead," she said, eyeing him with a scowl. 

"Let's do this, Alexander. I'll keep John occupied and make sure he wouldn't interfere or interrupt your mission. You go and bring our baby back. Let's do this for Hera, for Anna. Please forgive John for Alastair's sake," Felicity concluded, and she knew her husband wouldn't be able to refuse her this time. 

She let him take his time. When Alexander kissed her aggressively, Felicity's heart sighed in content. She had managed to convince him at last. 

'Mission accomplished.'