She has To Do Something For Him

Suddenly, Felicity's feet halted, and Alexander walked straight into her. He was mindlessly following her without focusing on where he was going. His wife withdrew her steps back and signalled him to be quiet. Surprised to find her little boy in the nursery, they both watched from the door. 

Little Hunter looked at the baby in the crib. Her eyes were wide awake, and she stared at him without blinking. "Do you ever sleep, stupid girl?" He muttered disapprovingly before reminding himself why he came into her room. He eyed the little pink pillow in his hands and scowled. 

"This colour is ugly, and I don't like it. But it's still my favourite because it's grandma's gift and soft like mummy's hands. I'll give you this if you stop crying all the time. Sleep well, and don't disturb my mummy's sleep from now on," he said in a firm commanding tone.