Best Friends Share Everything

"He wanted to know how babies are born. Technically speaking, the vagina is the only decent word I could think of because pussy would sound more vulgar. What am I supposed to do?" Thomas asked in an incredulous tone.

"God, why am I friends with such idiots?" Felicity muttered in annoyance. "Could you not have made some story like a fairy or an angel brings them to earth or something like that?" She asked, losing her patience bit by bit. "Who told you to use the exact meaning or the facts?" She scolded.

"You want me to lie to my godson and tell him that the stupid nonexistent fairies come and drop the baby into mother's lap when she's asleep?" Thomas asked, sounding offended. "I'm anything but a liar," he said defensively. Felicity snorted at his admission. "Mr Thomas Costa, we both know lawyers are nothing but experienced professional liars, like literally," she stated.

Felicity rolled her eyes when Thomas yelled in objection.