She Won't Marry Him

Face tucked in the crook of Hunter's neck, Hera was fast asleep in his arms. She stirred, letting out a light groan of protest while he gently pushed her head away from his shoulder in an attempt to wake her up. Hera swatted his hand away with a whine when he tried to keep her head from falling on his chest again.

Meanwhile, everyone got down as soon as Michael hit the brakes and stretched their limbs, inhaling the fresh oxygen. It took two hours to reach the destination. The journey tired their muscles because of sitting in the same position for so long.

It felt heavenly to stretch and loosen their muscles as it realigned their strength, drawing out a satisfied moan from them.

Michael caught Hunter's eyes through the rearview mirror and raised eyebrows at him, silently signing him to get off before doing the same. A guard was on standby waiting for Hunter and Hera to get down so he could park the car.