A Cheap Shot

Hunter knew Hera was pissed. He could feel her eyes drilling holes into him, yet he pretended oblivious to her intense stare. "You're so pretty. I could marry you right now if you take me as your man," he flirted smoothly while the server girl giggled shyly, offering him the menu card, their fingers not so accidentally touching. 

"Very cliché, young man, try something innovative next time," the other girl said in a chiding tone before ruffling Hunter's hair as a sister would do with her younger sibling. Her smile made it clear that she was only teasing. Hunter sighed, faking disappointment, and the girls laughed at the adorable sad face he pulled at them. 

Hera frowned in confusion when Hunter pulled the notepad from the girl's hand, a polite smile dancing on his lips while his eyes silently asked if that was okay. The girl nodded, lending him her pen as well. Hera's frown soon turned into an angry scowl when Hunter scribbled something on her notepad.