He Would Kill For Her

Hunter placed his large palm over Hera's head and stroked her hair, smoothing the messy long strands. The chilly wind had ruffled her silky hair, making it frizzy. "Stop crying, Goddess. It hurts me when you're sad," he said, placing the softest kiss on her forehead. Keeping the wheel brace at his side, he sat on the ground, facing Hera. Drawing his knees up, he crossed his arms around them, with his left hand clutching his right wrist. 

Hunter's eyeballs moved back and forth as he studied her face. Hera watched him, doing the same. His purple orbs glowed, their shade turning darker under the lamps. Hera couldn't hold his gaze for long and closed her eyes, letting another set of tears roll down her cheeks. With the intensity he was staring at her, she was afraid he would tear her soul apart.