Being Gaslighted


"Hera, wake up."

"Wake up, Hera, you're dreaming," Hera heard someone's faint voice calling for her. 

"I'm sorry, Nate," Hera kept mumbling in her sleep. 

She felt two hands gripping her shoulders and shook hard, pulling her out of her slumber. Hera woke up sobbing, gasping for air. Tears pooled down her cheeks while she frantically looked around, only to find herself in her dorm. She looked at her roommates surrounding her bed, wearing a worried expression on their faces. 

"Where's Nate?" Hera asked before she could think and then realised she was dreaming. Clara brought tissues and offered them to her silently. "It's okay, Hera. It's just a bad dream," Brittany said, giving her a glass of water to drink. Hera looked at the wall clock, and it was quarter past four in the morning.