His Selfish, Meanie Girlfriend

Hunter smiled at Hera, warm and welcoming. He pulled her flush against his chest, his arm around her middle tightening. Hera welcomed the pleasing sensation his cold lips over hers brought when he pressed their lips together. No one moved, they stayed like that for a few seconds, and both of them took a deep breath, inhaling the other's scent as though they were each other's oxygen. 

"I missed you so much, Hunter," Hera whispered against his lips. She sighed, feeling safe and content in his arms. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she tilted her face to plant a kiss on his cheek. 

"I'm sorry I fought with you. It all happened because silly me misunderstood everything," Hera admitted, quickly kissing his other cheek. Hunter hummed his response before covering her mouth with his. He kissed her hungrily as though she was his favourite meal and he was starving.