He's Not Guilty

The shift in Hera's mood made Hunter snap out of his thoughts. Throwing his head back in frustration, he ran his fingers through his hair, still annoyed that she didn't let him kiss her. 

Hunter sighed in dismay. 

Regardless, when he finally looked at Hera, one of his eyebrows arched up while his lips twitched into a smirk. 

"Hmm," Hunter hummed and paused, nodding and pretending to ponder over her words. "Apart from you realising your mistake and apologising, what else is there to talk about?" he asked, his voice starting with sugary sweet only to end bitterly. "Feeling guilty and apologising is inevitable because you always jump to conclusions without knowing the whole context," he said accusingly, reminding her of her mistakes. 

Pursing her lips in displeasure, Hera glared at him while Hunter scowled at her disapprovingly.