4- Tournament Games

Jak Price is 8 years old and just now, thousands of children in his age range are preparing for 1 year to participate in the upcoming summers' Fighting Tournament. Yearly, approximately 300 people from each town are picked to participate by law. The participants are selected randomly and those who aren't selected are lucky!

This test is done to observe the strength of the children and is all part of their Warrior training. However, some children are recommended and chosen to participate even if they are younger than the recommended age of 9-10 years old. If you are recommended, it'll be more likely for you to get chosen. These recommended participants are the children who are considered elite level in terms of their fighting power and strength in general.

Lucy Bowmann was recommended. She was only 7 years old when participating!

The ones with the highest combined scores are chosen and become winners. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners are given a price and are honored as impressive young warriors that will make the country proud.

Because children are participating, you may think that the exam is totally safe and free of any brutality but you are totally wrong. This is a different world. Lakedaemon is the country that raises warriors and demons and other demi-humans. To the citizens of Lakedaemon, strength is true beauty. All Lakedaemon citizens train from childhood to be strong enough to defend their country at all times from invaders and enemies.

'Every Lakedaemon persons must have instilled in them great pride and eternal love for their country, must protect their friends and allies at every cost, must seek for the true beauty that is strength and never surrender even if their lives are at risk. Have total dedication to your country! I am the one who has saved this country.'

These were Kall's last words before he fell asleep after his life-threatening injury.

Jak Price was reading the letter containing the following information about the Tournament Games.

The letter:

'Children participating must sign this letter and repeat Kall's last words at the opening ceremony as proof that he or she is truly loyal to this country. If deaths occur, we will have already asked their parents or carers to provide us with information concerning the place of burial of their child.

There are 5 total stages to complete and by the end of stage 5, approximately 16,000 out of the 1 million kids selected will die. This is just an estimate. This is a necessary sacrifice to ensure that our citizens are strong people. Sorry if these deaths make you feel intense sorrow. Just remember that we are truly proud of their bravery and loyalty. Lakedaemon needs real warriors, not fragile little children.' Jak Price continued reading the letter he received.

He remembered Lucy telling him that if they made you fight amongst one another, you were only given wooden forms of weapons that cause little damage but most of the time you are made to fight naturally using your fists in groups of 3 as your teamwork and fighting abilities are tested. Most of the time, the participants would try to fight animals and beasts in groups or complete intense tasks that require teamwork, courage and willpower. They also bring Battle-Bots with no weapons on them that you must locate their weak points of and kill quickly. They are tough to kill and very fast so it's essential to be careful. Any mistake with these Battle-Bots would get you killed!

Every year, they change things up so that everything is unpredictable. Jak was allowed to take one year off school in order to train for the tournament and his dad was going to help train him despite his mothers' protests for Jak to not be trained by him.

Jak's dad was a natural at travelling and sometimes he would be allowed to leave the country by boat with some coworkers to carry out their tasks. He would sometimes bring back goods from other countries and show his son anything interesting. Last week, he gave Jak a glass sphere that can sense your emotions as you hold it and it gives you a colour. It turns pink when you're happy, blue when you're sad and even red when you are in love.

Jak Price heard the distant sounds of two voices arguing and neither were winning. He went downstairs to find his dad sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed. His mum was sat on her comfy chair opposite the sofa.

"You will NOT put my son in danger again. He won't be training with you. You'll get carried away and end up killing him!" She said

"I promise you darling, he will be safe with me. I'll hold back my strength, I'll give him food and anything you think he needs. I'll keep him safe and there's nothing to worry about." He replied

They argued for a few minutes and after he pleaded and begged her to let him train Jak she had to give in.

Jak rushed into the room and jumped for joy.

"Yes finally! I'll be safe mum. I'm gonna get strong like Lucy! And I'll beat you too dad." Jak spoke

"Oh really? When pigs fly." He scoffed

"Oh, how brilliant! Jak seems so happy. I am trusting you to keep him safe ok." she said


Jak was packing his bags to get ready for training. He was going train with his dad, travelling with him outside and then for the rest of the time left, his dad was going to leave him to train by himself. Lucy was training with his dad for 2 years starting from the age of 5 and after that, she was much stronger than before so Jak was excited to be able to train in the same manner.


"Shut up! You don't need to shout so loud! I'm coming-" Jonny grumbled

"Ok dad. I hope you're ready." Jak replied


Jak stepped out with a rucksack almost taller than him and was partially stumbling.

Lucy was sitting on top of a large tree with a book on her lap and she laughed loudly when she saw him stumble. It was rare to see her laugh so it came out too loud and too quick.

"So Jak. Are you truly prepared for your training? What's with that large rucksack of yours? Your dad's spoiling you too much. I hope you'll give him the training he needs, old man. He's far too weak for the tournament now." she said

"Hey you little brat. I see that your manners have completely flown out the window. At least address me by my name. I did raise you-"

"Shut up demon. You can't tell me what to do old man." Lucy replied "WHAT!? YOU SPEAK THAT WAY TO ME EVEN THOUGH I PRACTICALLY RAISED YOU." "Whatever. I can look after myself like I always do. I won't feel indebted to a lanky old Demon." Lucy replied

"You pointy eared brat! Maybe I should try punching some respect and manners into you-" Jonny replied

Jak started laughing and his laughter was unique and contagious because it sounded like a wheezing kettle.

This made Jonny and Lucy start laughing.

Jonny walked off with Jak after quickly kissing his wife goodbye.


"Alice. I hope you don't mind but I'll be staying in your house for a while-"

"Of course you can. I'm so happy. You hardly ever stay for very long. Don't you know you're welcome here. Unless of course, you're scared of Jonny-" Alice said

"Scared of Jonny? He wishes! He's rude and antisocial but he doesn't scare me. He's a total demon but I think he cares about me somehow. Don't tell the old bastard I said that. He'll never let that go"

"Don't worry child. Your secret's safe with me. I'm glad you don't hate him." Alice replied

"You're so nice, Alice. Sometimes you remind me of my real mum. And then I feel sad. Jak is so lucky. His family haven't been persecuted by Fordos III because over something trivial like their race."

"You're still part Lakedaemon. Even if your dad was a human from Volkan. And you love this country. We've raised you that way. Please don't be sad or feel out of place. There'll always be someone out there who loves you."

"You really think so? Even though my ears look like this?" Lucy asked

Alice responded with a gentle hug and then they both went back indoors.