5- Fordos and Kall in Dreamland?

Fordos IV was feeling strange.

He couldn't tell whether he was in a dream or not.

If this was really a dream then it was a really vivid one. Fordos tried his best to calm down.

Perhaps he was having this dream for a reason.

Fordos opened his eyes.

Fordos IV found himself lying down on a field of blue grass. Suddenly, the ground started to spin and bubbles emerged from the ground. He felt dizzy until he found that his vision was blurring and the blue blades of grass were disappearing blade by blade. He saw a blurred but sudden image of his favourite Cyborg being choked with a bundle of twisted green plants clutching his neck, twisted amongst each other like rope. Colorful smoke rushed into his mouth and ears as he was suffocating.

"ONE"! he screamed but no one heard him. The image faded into the air.

He found himself floating in the air, sweating a little as heat from the air flowed towards him.

Everything faded away turning black.

A few seconds or minutes later (Fordos wasn't sure which), he heard a harsh and demonic sounding deep voice calling him to wake up.

"Hello. Blue midget. Wake up now." He said.

As the stranger shook him to wake him up, he slowly opened his eyes.

He crawled back a little, surprised at the very tall figure towering over him.

"Scared now are you? Bluey, answer me now!"

He stayed silent as he realized that he was on top of what looked like giant clouds with marshmallows.

"Ok. I've definitely took something I shouldn't have." Fordos said out loud.

He heard loud laughter echoing across the sky coming from the giant in front of him.

"You're insane aren't you? Can't you see that you're dead?" The man said

Everything turned silent.

Then, the flickering of a distant campfire could be heard. Fordos blinked again only to see that the entire place was on fire.

"Fordos. Please get to safety. You have to live." called out a soft voice.

It looked like his mum! She was pushing a pale small boy with blue hair away from a mansion. He realized that the boy looked exactly like him when he was 4! The boy was desperately running, laughing and sobbing loudly at the same time, unaware of how to make his pain go away.

He didn't like the fact that he was getting flashbacks from his childhood.

"Stop this now!" cried Fordos as he clutched his hair nervously.

"Go away. I can't see this again!" Fordos continued.

The image of his mum whispered "I'm safe now son. Don't worry about me. Stay happy and wonderful, little Fordos."

Then the image disappeared.

Fordos looked up to see the man sitting cross-legged on concrete ground.

"I wonder what you were babbling on about." he said

"Leave me alone you piece of shit. Are you the one doing this? This isn't funny at all." Fordos replied

Fordos glared at the man.

"How rude. Do you know who exactly you're talking to?" He said

"Do you know exactly who you're talking to, bitch?" Fordos replied.

The man looked visibly angry yet amused. His eyes shone bright red and seconds later his giant arms were pinning Fordos into the ground, the pressure causing the part of the ground to crack.

"Get off me!"

"Hold on. You look familiar like someone I used to know." He said

"Oh. So you've finally recognized me huh?" Fordos chuckled

"You look a lot like that racist blue devil I annihilated quite a while ago." He responded

"Are you insane? What are you on about?" Fordos replied

If this was a crazy dream, it was far too vivid. The man was still not letting him go which irritated him further.

"Elves." He stated

"Excuse me?" Fordos said

"What do you think of them?" He asked

"They're beautiful." Fordos replied

"I see. Ok, what about giants then?"

"Giants? But they're almost extinct. Anyway, they're slow and dumb but quite cool when they're fighting each other." Fordos replied

The mans' eyes narrowed.

"What?" the man said, sounding slightly offended.

He let go of Fordos and Fordos immediately stood back up and tried to run away, not liking the energy he currently felt in the air.

The man disappeared in an instant and reappeared in front of Fordos.

"What's your name, bluey ?" The man asked

"Fordos IV." He replied reluctantly but felt like if he kept quiet, he'd regret it.

The look on the man's face changed.

His red eyes turned back to dark brown then shone bright blue like a light coming from a torch. Something that looked like steam was almost everywhere around his skin manifesting itself into bright yellow aura causing Fordos' to sweat from his forehead.

He heard a ringing in his ears as he noticed the man's intimidating energy.

It was that moment that Fordos IV realized the predicament that he was in.

Fordos' eyes widened in fear.

"You're from Lakedaemon, I knew it!" Fordos said, his voice shaking more than he expected.

With a sinister air of power and total confidence, the man's next words echoed through his mind, heart and soul.

The man's medium length, half blue half red hair blew intensely against the wind.

"Fordos IV. The Demon King commands you to kneel."

He brought his right arm forwards with his palm facing towards Fordos.

To be continued...