6- Trapped!


That word itself kept repeating in his mind as Fordos was unable to think of anything else. As the ringing in his head kept intensifying, Fordos found the ground to be calling for him to kneel.

They were transported to a plain area of land. Soon, the ground became like a magnet pulling Fordos towards the ground to kneel.

'This is so humiliating' he thought.

Fordos IV was forced down on all fours.

He was looking at the ground suddenly wishing that it would swallow him up and just be buried 6 feet under.

"Not used to this are you? World Emperor." Kall chuckled.

Fordos couldn't answer as his mind was already preoccupied with thoughts and an intense feeling of shame flowed through him.

Fordos felt a boot pressing down on his head.

For such a huge guy, Fordos was surprised that the man's boot didn't feel as heavy as he thought they would.

The man clicked his fingers. Fordos was able to focus again.

"You can't do this to me! Get your filthy boot off my hair!" Fordos shouted

"You are Fordos IV? What happened to Fordos II? Did he survive? What have you done with Lakedaemon? It feels like a week since the day I got gravely injured." He replied

"What do you know about my grandfather Fordos II? Who the hell are you again?"

"My name is Kall. I am the Demon King. I defeated that blue devil so how could you exist?"

"When I am out of here, I'll teach you and that demon infested country a lesson. I'll send all 20 members of my official Death Squad! You'll see!" Fordos warned

"I can tell that you're not as evil as Fordos II but you're also a threat and I will stop you if needed. I ask you again. How many countries are under your control?"

"80% so far. Impressive isn't it?" Fordos responded

"Fordos II only had 45% of the world under his control. The crimes he committed were too great to count. His brutality and excessive hedonism turned the world upside down. He encouraged the slavery of Demons, Elves, Demi-humans and pillaged and slaughtered many people that were defending their countries! Many people that were opposed to his oppressive regime! Conquering, frightening and pillaging countries wantonly, he earned the terrible nickname Blue Devil. You don't seem too bad but you're no angel either." Kall spoke

"Your boot digging into my skull is continuing to irritate me. Demon king or not, you can't tell me what to do." Fordos replied

Kall pointed out the front of his boot and gently pressed it against his lips instead of his head to silence him.

"Bluey, I don't have much time to have some fun with you so I'll continue with my training." Kall said, putting his boot away from his face

"Finally it's about time you listened to me you vile piece of shit."

Kall ignored him then walked off.

"Where the fuck are you leaving me? I have to get back to my castle. Show me how to get to Volkan." Fordos demanded

Kall's eye colour was turning red again. He had the same amused look and he was grinning.

He faded away.

Fordos IV was suddenly falling off what seemed to be a very steep cliff. He screamed.

Fordos woke up sweating and shaking.

"Help!" he screamed.

He heard the door open.

"Fordos, are you alright?"

Fordos was relieved to see his girlfriend sitting on the side of the bed.

He hugged her instantly.

"What happened?" she asked

She had her hand resting on the side of his face and Fordos placed his hand over hers and smiled at her.

She blushed and quickly looked to the side.

Fordos noticed that and smiled, turning her face back to face him.

"It was just a horrible dream." he said.


Looking at the window, they noticed that it was dark outside and there was a full moon.

"Let us go to sleep and try to relax ok. No more nightmares." she said.

Fordos nodded, lying in bed with his arms wrapped around her.

"Sylvia. Thank you. I am a lot more relaxed now." He whispered softly

Soon, they both fell fast asleep.