Diana and Nicholas fell down next to one another; both their cheeks were full of colour, a bright red. Sweat was dripping off their bodies as they both lay there panting letting those ever so important hormones full there bodies with happiness and joy. They had been at it for most of the day, though the last time had been rather long and painful. You see after the sixth time they began to start lacking the stamina to make one another finish. They had stopped multiple numbers of times in order to stop themselves from passing out over-exhaustion. Nicholas had made a number of phone calls between the sessions while Diana had taken their little breaks to messaged her friends asking what their plans were for later tonight.

Tonight was Peggy's birthday party and naturally the four girls had received an invitation from the party, and they had every intention of going; well all of them, but Diana had intention. She was simply sending the text to try and get them to come up with another idea. Peggy was a sweet girl, who had no resentment for Diana, but then again Peggy was the one that in Diana's mind had stolen Joseph and she had no reason to be jealous or petty over her.

Diana had been substituting her feelings for Joseph for Nicholas and for some reason he didn't object to her turning at his door for the last three nights, in fact he welcomed it. Then again very few people would turn her town especially when she would take any over the clothing she was wearing and lead him into the bedroom without so much as a word for him. Diana was the no strings type of the girl. With her you got all the benefits of a girlfriend, without having the emotions and for a lot of twenty-something years old guys, that is all that they wanted. Diana had the feelings for Joseph, which often made her cry a few times a day. She managed to get through the past couple of days by being under Nicholas because in those flirty moments nothing really matters, and she could just focus on something she was good at sex.

She knew others would laugh at her thought process, but to her sex was an art form. Sex was the way Diana expressed herself, while she might be covering up the truth, and hiding her darker feelings inside, she still managed to open up about the excitement that she got hen receiving those fateful 'O moments', and Nicolas was very good and making Diana fully satisfied.

"What time do you want me to pick you up for tonight?" Nicholas says leaning over her in order to reach for the water laying on the bedside table. A little confused by the question Diana ignores it. She pulls out her phone and starts playing a mindlessly boring puzzle game. Nicholas falls down on the pillow next to Diana, she is, however, doing her best not to catch his gaze, but it becomes a little difficult when he rips the phone from her hand and lays on top of her. He was a lot bigger than her and his weight alone made it a little tricky for her to breath, but she did her best not to cave to his words. There hearts were still beating fast from the sex that had just occurred, and Diana was still panting. She leans into kiss him again even though she knows there is no way that she could go another round without resting a little bit first.

"I know you want to do me." Diana says again, and putting her hand on the back of his neck she tried to pull him closer to her wrapping her leg around his bare back in the process.

"Diana." He says sharply causing the girl to remove her leg and hand from him just as a sulky expression cross her face.

"I don't want to go okay. Is that really too hard for people to understand." She says sharply. Nicholas wasn't bothered by her attitude he had been use to a lot worst than this when it came to girls. She was on the sane side of things and he shouldn't get mad or pissed off that she didn't want to come to a party that he felt obligated to go to. "Now can we please just go back to kissing and not talking to one another. I would prefer that."Nicholas leans in holding one side of her face firmly in his hand and kisses her deeply. She started to kiss him back before climbing on top of him letting her fingers run down his bare chest and that is when he pulled away.

"Yeah there is no way I can go again." Diana leaned into kiss him again not paying attention to the words he had just spoken. She knew she couldn't go again but she didn't want to have a conversation with him about why she was being so forceful. "Diana, stop it." Diana pulls away her breasts were hanging slightly over him and he moves her to land right next to him. He wraps his hand around her waist and pulls her closer to him. It was only two in the afternoon and no doubt she would be living within the next hour to go and do whatever she wished. "Now are you going to play coy and act like a bitch or tell me what is up." Diana ran her fingers along his lip. When her eyes flutter they tickle the top of his nose just enough to cause a little smirk upon his face. She didn't want this to be real because she didn't want to break down in front of him and she was just moments away from that feeling.

Diana had been sleeping with anyone who showed interest in her for nearly a year. She had sex on average every other day, and changed her boy toy at least once a month. Having grown tiresome of Nolan him being slightly younger than her didn't help that situation she had moved her attention to Nicholas, but what she was slowly starting to learn is he had a habit of reading people. It wasn't something that happened upon first meeting but the more amount of time that they spent together the better he had managed to pick out some of her tells. The biggest thing that gave her away was her eye contract, this was something that meant a lot to her. Unless she was in control of the sex she never directly looked into his eye, it would always be a couple inches either side. It was like she was hiding something; her mind would be ticking like an old grandfather's clock.

In this moment right here and right now she was looking directly at his nose doing her best to play the scared little girl. Nicholas was attracted to her, but while her tricks might have worked on boys before he lacked the emotional connection needed to fall into her trap he was looking at her with a clear mind.

"I don't see why I need to tell you anything. I am nothing more than a toy." She was going the guilt route, and if he had been in any other state of mind he might have played up to it so that he could have sex with her, but at the moment he couldn't go again so what would be the point of appeasing her when he wouldn't be able to grab the grand prize. "I think you should fuck me in the kitchen." she whispers against his lips; letting her gently brush over him. He wasn't having it though, he didn't want her at this moment in time. He didn't think he would ever cum if they tried to have sex.

"Diana I really couldn't go again." She pouts a little, but Nicholas pushes her aside. "Now do you want a ride home or not?" Diana moves on to her side lifting herself up a little bit by the elbow. Diana tipped her head a little and thinking for a few moments before saying.

"I don't like Peggy which is why I don't want to do. You need to ask Joseph if you want any more details." Nicholas eyes flicker quickly to her before he lets them stare at the ceiling.

"Joseph came over last night a few hours before you came over." Nicholas leans over to his bedside table and takes a big gulp of water before carrying on and saying. "He mentioned that you guys use to hang out, you got attached and he didn't then you flew a fit when he started dating Peggy." Diana falls back on the pillow and shrugs her shoulders before blowing her hair out of her face.

"I mean that is not how I would phase things, but I guess that is the jest of things." She climbed on top of him, still naked and let down to kiss him in order to avoid a proper and meaningful conversation. The kiss was slow, while Diana was doing her best I order to make him feel up, he kept his hand firmly on her waist letting her kiss.

"I really can't go again." There was a slight smirk which had crossed her face. In all honestly she couldn't go again, but she wasn't about to admit that to him. "Like if you want to just play with my dick and fool around I am call with that." Diana tilted her head a little and moved up his chest only to place herself above his face. She didn't exactly give him and opportunity to turn her down, instead she positioned herself correctly and held onto the headboard for good measure. Moving her hips a little bit as he grabbed hold of her thighs and brought her as close to him as she could. She arched her back as his tongue did its best to dive deeper.

After a few minutes Diana removed herself from him and popped down next to him. She then stood up and started to look for her clothes, but Nicolas saw right through her and pulled her close, only for her to say.

"I think I should go."

"Diana it is fine. I really don't care that the only reason you slept with me was to get back at him." She looks over her shoulder and he reaches out to her letting his finger go down her back. She holds his gaze while he lays their in complete control of the situation and that is when her barrier and wall finally breaks down and a tear falls down her face.

Nicholas was a lot of things but he wasn't a dick; he wasn't an asshole. He may sleep with far too many woman, but he wasn't about to let a girl cry in his bed without trying his best to cheer her up.

Diana tried her best to wipe the tears so that he wouldn't see, but he had already sat up and was holding her face in his hand. He didn't try and make a move he just ran his finger under her eye. She looked down not wanting to catch his eye, not wanting him to see her like this. He however pulled her close to his chest and she could hear his heart beat quietly beating. Falling back down on to the pillow the two of them stayed like this for a few minutes not saying anything to one another just listening to each other breathing.

This was the moment that Diana had become more vulnerable than ever before. It wasn't that crying made you weak or anything like that, but it was the moment that she came to the conclusion that no matter how hard she tried to run away from how she felt it always came back to her crying and using sex to feel just a little bit better.

Word Count ⇒ 2019