Diana has dressed in her signature colour, you know the colour that compliments your completion and everyone gives you praise. The colour of Diana was red. Red was anger, hate, passion, lust and of course love. It was the colour that best described her, her mood swings, her character, and of course her love for sex. She found the colour was perfect to give off a good impression for her. The dress was short, and in all honestly, it was probably a little too short. If she was to so much as bend down her bum would be in full view of the guests around her. However she attracted the type of guy she wanted, they weren't the type that tries charm her, take her out for dinner or anything else of that nonsense. To sum them up they could only be compared to a neanderthal.

Diana wasn't much for caring about her mental well being, and after being so determined not to end up at Peggy's birthday party, she, however, finds herself there with her arm around her friend Elsa. Diana was drunk, she was more than drunk, in fact, she was completely plastered and therefore needed to hold onto Elsa in order to make sure that she doesn't fall down. Elsa knew this but at the end of the day she loved Diana like a sister, and she could deal with her being crazy, messed up and whatever else for the next few hours, as long as it didn't become a regular pattern.

Elsa, after a little bit of time, had spotted someone she knew and she had a burning desire for. However, Elsa still struggled to portray the true side of her and often treated girls that flirted with her like nothing more than a friend. She could cold at times. She wanted to look after her friend, but at the same time, she wanted to have a little bit of fun. Especially when that girl was Bree Tanner. Bree Tanner was the type of girl who was out of everyone's league. She wasn't drop-dead gorgeous as a supermodel, she was more like the girl next door, the ultimate girl next door in fact. She was a caring individual who was currently in medical school, and she spent her free time working with disadvantage teenagers as well as working at an animal shelter. She was funny, and pretty and exactly the type of girl Elsa wanted, but she couldn't leave Diana to try and attempt to speak to her.

If Diana had been in a better state of mind, she would have pushed her towards her desire. Elsa was happy when Peggy came to talk to the two of them because Diana would try her hardest to be the best version of her self.

It was weird it was almost like she sobered up the moment she saw Peggy, maybe Diana had just been acting drunker to get attention from the boys that always seemed to swim after her. Diana knew that the drunken she acted the more likely that some idiotic guy would run after her because he thought she would be ever so easy. Diana did her best to act sweet to the girl, even if there was this burning passion of haters heathen that ever so fake smile. Peggy was the upper west side version of Diana. Peggy was born into a blue blood family and was the type of girl that everyone wanted to marry because she would forever look good on their arm, both in terms of the look department and the reputation department. Diana matched her in the looks, but reputation was a little on the rough side, especially recently.

The two girls chatted about a new bag which had just been released, and that is when Nicholas came into taking Diana away from the girl. This is where the situation got rather amusing. Nicholas and Peggy were from the same world, and they were the types of people that were expected to end up with one another, but Nicholas didn't like the idea of settling down. If he ever did get to that situation it would be a Diana rather than a Peggy. He would marry someone to annoy his parents because while he was born into a privileged life, it didn't stop him from resenting the parents that were never around. In fact, he spent up until the age of five believing the housekeeper was his mother, having only seemed his mother here and there. As he got older she wanted to spend more time with him, but only to show him off. This sometimes was to boost to her group of friends about how he had mastered three languages, or he was getting straight A's. She didn't really care about him, he was just a prop to her.

Peggy, on the other hand wanted someone exactly like Nicholas, he was from good family, with money enough to support her. In fact, she had only dated Joseph in order to get his attention. These two girls had a crush for the boys that didn't see them and only saw them as something which looked good enough to taste but drops when it got too bitter.

Nicholas was a little annoyed to find Diana here due to her refusing to accompany him here and saying under no circumstances would she find herself at Peggy's birthday party, playing nice. As you can tell that was all bullshit. He wasn't about to shout or even get angry with her; he just wanted to make sure that she was okay and in sound mind. It had only been a few hours ago that she had a red, and blotchy face and had been crying over a guy in his arms. Right here and right now she was a very different person, acting like she was full of life and everything was going perfectly and no one would raim on her parade.

"Hey'" Diana says a little too enthusiastically wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissing him on the cheek leaving a bright red lipstick mark on his skin. He didn't seem to mind having the attention from there, he was however concerned by her sudden desire to be here.

"I thought you were going to go home." Diana shrugs her shoulders swaying a little bit due to the alcohol running though her body. "Diana I really don't think you should be here." Diana went on to her tiptoes and brushes her lips across Nicholas. She was attempting to be a little flirty but she was a bit drunk to have that allure around her. He let her kiss him, he didn't have an issue by it. He knew he would receive a number of high fives from a few of the guys here if they thought he was banging Diana. She was hot, everyone knew that He doesn't let the kiss last long and opens his mouth to talk, but Diana cuts across him saying the words.

"I think we should go back to yours and carry on from earlier." He lets out a laugh with her words and pushes her away.

"I had a lot of fun and everything, but I really think you need to address your situation before you jump on anyone else. You are clearly not in a healthy state of mind." She smirks at his words and leans a little closer to him trying to build up some passion between the two of them. Slurring her words a little she says.

"Do you want me in your bed again?" Before he could answer though a small group of people came over to them. James was the tallest standing at nearly six and a half feet; he had bright green eyes and a million-dollar smile that made you feel instantly warm while looking at it. Next, there was Rupert the oldest of the group. He had this vibe about him which just screamed cool. Lastly, there was Joseph who looked a little awkward standing next to his ex-girlfriend and his best friend especially when they both looked like they would rather be having sex than at this mindlessly boring party. Okay, it wasn't boring, but Joseph was a little on the possessive side of things, and while he didn't see Diana more than sex on legs he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed by her sudden actions towards Nicolas.

"Diana you look smoking," James says leaning against his friend. Diana smiles at the comment and lets her eyes flicker over the boys trying her best to seem positive and in a good mood. "So are you and Perez a thing now then?" Diana shakes her head quickly before adding on the words.

"God no. I can't think of anything worst." She blurts out; Diana was not known for her tact, and even Nicholas wasn't surprised to hear were words.

"I was just gonna take her home actually. Kinda over this party, nothing is really happening." Diana opens her mouth to say something but catching Nicholas's eye she quickly closes her mouth and lets the boy leave her out of the spacious apartment. Slightly irritated by Nicholas' behaviour she pauses at the top of the staircase and learning on the bannister says the words.

"What is your problem." She was shouting, but her words were sluring a little so she didn't have the same affect as she would have liked.

"You spent about half an hour crying on me earlier today; do you really think that you should be at this sort of party drunk." She shrugs her shoulders at this comment but doesn't say anything. Diana stands at the top of the stairway a little bit out of it. Nicholas noticing her swaying a little bit takes her by the waist and holds her close to his body. "Diana you need to open up. You are going to continue being a mess unless you accept that you have an issue which is not going to be solved by having random sex with random people." Diana takes a couple of steps down the stairs and she looks over her shoulder at Nicholas still at the top.

"Look I like sex. I really like sex, but the thing is the only guys I am dating are the ones that meet me on a night out. Well..." She pauses a little clearly her throat before carrying on the words. "Well they are not exactly the type of guys who want to be with me, they just want to fuck me. I've only ever cared once, and maybe I like the feeling you get when you lay next to somebody hearing the heart gently beat." There is a long pause between the two of them and Nicholas says words he can't believe he is about to say.

"Right I am going to be your friend. We are not going to have sex any more because you need someone who can actually give you want which you are not going to get buy fucking random people. Now do you want to crash at mine or not?" There is a long pause between the two of them and biting on her lower lip Diana slowly nods her head. Nicholas runs down the steps and takes her hand leading her out the apartment block and to his parked car which was waiting nearby.

When Diana sat in this car she couldn't help but feel slightly relieved by all the words she had heard and although she didn't think she would take the advice at least Nicholas was going to try and be there for her. While on the way back to his apartment Diana rested her head against his shoulder. She cried pretty much the whole way home, but it made her feel better. She felt like she could finally breathe and as she sat here in this seat she wanted more than anything to get back with Joseph and maybe just maybe she had gone the wrong way about it, or maybe this was just the alcohol speaking and she would return to her slut ways the following day.

However this evening she could pretend to be something else, something better maybe. Nicholas was seeing her as a real person and while Diana was the girl he could spend the foreseeable future with having sex with her whenever she called, he also knew from the way she behaved her was a broken spirit. He knew he shouldn't cross the line, and he knew that tonight he shouldn't just let her do as she pleased, but hold her and care for her, and just let her be.

They didn't have sex, much to Diana's annoyance. She begged, pleaded and did everything in her power to get him to fuck her. Instead, he made her a cup of coffee and they watched a movie together. Diana had spent much time one on one with a guy over the past year without sex coming up at some point. This was something which was a little bizarre for her, but it was sort of nice for a change. So while Nicolas tried to start a conversation with her every time he did Diana took her dress off and tried to hump him. This, however, was exactly what she needed and even if she was going to feel slightly resented by the whole thing it was the best thing for her.

Word Count ⇒ 2256