Efforts in vain

"Why are you talking to the chocolates?" asked Rosie.

Sam:"From where did you came here?"

Rosie:"I was already here...I came early today...". She was absolutely nervous while she talked after all she liked him now for almost 3 years but never talked to him. Sam knew her already but never paid attention to her. Actually Sam never paid attention to any of the girls in the class. He always thought that all the girls are the same. But this time when Sam gazed at Rosie, he found her extremely innocent.

Sam: "Do you know who kept the chocolates here?"

Rosie:"Why would I know about it?"

Sam:"Ok, got it!"

After few minutes-

Sam:"I know you kept the chocolates here....."

Upon hearing this Rosie's expression immediately changed. She just put her head down and bitted her own lips.

Sam:"Did you??"


Sam:"Fine, I know now it's you so you don't have to hide it".

Rosie:"But I didn't".

Sam:"But it's understood. Why on Earth would you come school so early and that to on my birthday?? On the top of that you were hiding when I came....so it's understood...you don't have to pretend now like it's not you.."

Rosie didn't say anything more. She understood that all her efforts untill now were wasted.

Sam already liked this cute gesture , which was happening with him since 3 years. And after looking at Rosie's expression, he was convinced that she was the one who did this all the time. He then didn't said anything more. Then school bell rang and other students came birthday, wishes were done and the class started.

After one week-

It was a lunch break when most of the students went to canteen and others went to the ground to play. Well, Rosie prefered to stay in class and have her tiffin. She even didn't have many friends. Her only friend was Lily to whom she shared everything. It's was only Rosie and Lily who knew that Rosie liked Sam.

Well on that lunch break, Lily too went to the ground with other friends to chitchat. So Rosie was left alone in class.

Just then Sam entered. Rosie didn't gave any reaction. She was pleasantly having her pudding. When she went for another bite, bought her spoon just near to her mouth and psshhhh!!!the pudding disappeared. Sam was successful in grabbing a bite from her spoon.

Rosie:"What was this?"

Sam:"Next time I will grab it from your mouth and that too , through your lips".

Rosie immediately blushed. Ignoring to what he said she just asked,"Are you hungry?"

Sam:"Yes I was, but I am full now..."

Rosie continued eating when she realized that Sam was gazing him. She already had a heartrace inside. Still she asked,"What happened?Is there something wrong with my face?"

Sam:"You are chubby and have a very lively look. When you blush your pink cheeks turn red that makes you look more beautiful. I am just thinking how were you safe from the eyes of so many boys?"


Sam:"Well that's good that you are not in the eyes of others. So you are only mine. I will marry you one day and will feed you with more pudding so that I can grab it all through your lips".

Rosie was shocked hearing this. He was still stuck on that topic which shows that he was really serious. But then he said he would marry her. After hearing this, she just ran out of the class....