Start of new story

Samuel was absolutely impressed by Rosie . The way she talked , the way she smiled , the way she blushed , everything was making him just mad towards her. There were a lot of girls who liked him but Rosie was different. Rosie was bold to the world, but became the most timid in front of Sam. She was a girl with great IQ, but all her intelligence dropped in front of Sam. Sam on the other hand, never paid attention to other girls, infact, never even tried to flirt around but when it comes to Rosie, he becomes the most romantic.

- One day at the ground -

Classmate 1: "This Rosie,she is too much...".

Classmate 2(Staring at Sam who was playing football in the field):"Sam,he is so handsome, my God , I hope one day , I will have him".

Classmate 1:"Huh! in your dreams , he likes Rosie now..".

Classmate 2:"What? That Rosie, who has a layer of adipose tissue all over her body".

Classmate 1: "Yes, now we don't have any chance. They both are getting famous day by day".

Classmate 2:" I don't care.....Sam, you are so handsome".

Classmate 1:" It's a waste of time chitchatting with you, get lost".

Classmate 2: "It's you who is getting disturbed so please....."

Classmate 1:"Fine, I'll leave..."

- After playing one round of football near the field -

Rosie was waiting for Sam with a bottle of water in her hand. Veena(one of her friend) had handed the bottle to her.

Veena is again one of those who liked Sam. But she was bold enough to get whatever she wants. If she liked Sam she will do everything possible to get him. Veena handed the bottle to Rosie to drink that water which she spiked. But Rosie didn't drink it herself, instead she went to field to give it to Sam.

Sam:"Is this for me?"

Rosie(shyly):"Yes, I thought you were tired so..."

Sam: "So that's good, you are taking care of me".

Rosie:"No, it's not that. Someone handed this to me....I m not thirsty right I thought to give it to you".

Sam:"Thanks, always take care of me in future...only you have rights to do so.."

Rosie:" "

Rosie didn't say anything, handed the bottle to him and went back to the seats near the field.

Sam drank the water and went back to field. Rosie watched him from away.

After some time.....