I was a fool to trust Veena and James

Sam: "Calm , Rosie listen, at least, I can explain..".

But Rosie was not in a mood to hear anything. She called a cab and went towards her house. Sam realized that this is not the correct time to talk to her so he didn't followed her. Instead he called her bodyguards, "Give me an update as soon as she reaches home safe".

Sam was still uneasy unless a call came saying that,"Young madam reached home, safely".

Sam sat on the couch and fell asleep there.

- At Rosie's house -

Rosie's mom went out of town. So there was no one at home. Rosie's dad...is an another story , she herself didn't knew where her dad was. Whenever she asked her mother ignored her.

When Rosie entered, she ran straight towards her room.

She jumped up on her bed, pulling her pillow and hugged it hard, crying a lot. The pain she tolerated for more than 9 years was coming out , all in tears. In all these years, she missed him the most. She was not even sure whether he would come back or no, still she waited. She was happy as well as sad...

After sometime she started mumbling,

"I knew you would come back...I knew....I waited for a long time for you.....".

With that she realized that she left Sam alone at home....she again ran outwards , took a cab and went towards Sam's Manor.

- At Sam's Manor -

Sam was sleeping on the couch. He didn't even bothered to lock the door after Rosie went. When she came in, the door was already open. She entered, her heart beat was fast...

She saw Sam sleeping soundly like a baby on the couch, she lovingly placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him. Sam felt it..and woke up.

When he woke up, Sam hugged her, hugged her tight... Rosie too, hugged him. With tears in eyes, Rosie touched his lip with his . They kissed until Rosie felt suffocated, still she didn't wanted him to let go. She was the same girl in mid school, to whom Sam loved dearly.

After a long kiss,

Sam: "Let's marry.....".

Rosie:" ".

They both went silent after that...They sat a bit away from each other and just then,

"Where were you all these year?"Rosie asked in anger.

Sam:"I was in Russia".

Rosie:"Why didn't you came back, I thought you forgotted everything...but no, I was fooled by everyone..I was so stupid to trust Veena and James. You didn't even bothered to contact me once...why?".

Sam felt that it's again not the correct time to tell her. She was so furious that now, any explanations would not work....He didn't even utter a word.

Rosie: "So you really don't have any answers, ok then , I'll leave.. I'll marry someone else, it was a waste to wait for you".

Sam felt a heart break when he heard that she will marry someone else.

Sam:"I am sorry...I will not go anywhere anymore, I don't want to waste a single minute now....let's marry now Rosie, we are going to spend the rest of the lives together".

Rosie:" I don't trust you now.....I am feeling cheated.....".

Sam:"I understand Rosie, please trust me this one last time..".

Rosie:" ".

Rosie didn't talk anything more. Instead she was so tired from crying that she slept... Sam picked her up carefully and took her to bed.....