Sam is admitted in the hospital

Sam left her in the house and went to Foxstar club. It was a club where all the rich buddies would come and enjoy. James owned this club.

Sam decided to drink and drink a lot....

There were many beautiful girls soon as Sam entered, he became the centre of attraction.

"Hey, look at that guy, seems to come from a rich family".

"Yeah! let's hook on, may be we will be getting a lot of money,haha".

A group of 3-4 girls then went towards him.

"Hey, handsome, wanna get some more drinks".

Sam was not in a mood to say even a no to them. He just removed a card and handed it over to them.

"Password is XXXX2354, Use it and don't bother me, also tell everyone around here, not to bother me".

The girls were startled.

"What if your account is empty?",one of the girls asked.

"I am Samuel Joe, president of SJ company, why would my account be empty?",after saying this Sam continued to drink.

The girls there took care , so that no one would interrupt him. They knew about SJ company.

"He seems to be a heartbroken".

"Yes, maybe, he is so rich, he will never find a girl who will love him and not his money".The girls felt bad and went to return his card to him.

"Mr , take your card back, we don't need", and they went away.

One by one, everyone left the club, but Sam continued to drink and after some time, slept there itself. Just then the manager came to him. He immediately identified Sam, so he called James,

"Boss, your friend, it seems he drank a lot and slept".

James :"Did he really slept or he fainted?".

Manager :"I don't know boss, what should we do?".

James :"Take him to the hospital right now, I'll be there".

Sam was then admitted to the hospital.

James :"Doctor, what happened to my friend?".

Doctor:"Alcoholic gastritis, he drank a lot, so this happened, but nothing to worry, he will be fine in some days, but tell him to be careful next time".


James too felt bad for both Sam and Rosie . Although he didn't knew the feelings of the person in love, he at least understood the pain of staying away from your loved ones. His mom and dad were also never with him....

He then tried calling Rosie.

After 2-3 calls Rosie woke up and picked his call.

James:"Hello Rosie, Sam is admitted in the hospital".

Rosie got a shock.

Rosie:"What? Where? Which hospital? I will come over right now..".

James:"City hospital..".

She then hung the call and went towards the hospital...