Sam always loved you

Rosie : "What happened to him?".

James: "I must ask this to you , What happened that he had to drink so much and end up in suffering alcoholic gastritis?".


James:"Please Rosie, I am so done now with you both...I understand the pain you have suffered, but do you really think Sam was happy without you?".

Rosie bitted her own lips , she was guilty for being rude to Sam.

James:"Do you even have a idea , Through what all circumstances Sam went on...?"


James:"Did you bother to ask him?".

Rosie:"I asked but he didn't say anything..."

James:"Yes, because , you are mentally not stable, so he never wants you to think of the past now, instead he wants to marry you so that he can keep you happy in the future. Since the day he came here, he didn't even bothered to meet his parents, instead he kept on trying to get back to you".

Rosie eyes welled up. There was a lump in her throat. She again wanted to cry hard...

Rosie:"Why did he went so away?, Why did you lied me back then...what happened that day...please tell me the truth..".

James:" ".

Rosie:"If you don't tell me , then I will keep on blaming Sam for you understand?".

James:"Yes,I do".

Rosie:"Then just tell me....".

James: "Sam always loved you.....