Basket And Sphinx  

As I walk on the the road and going through the forest, I found a beautifully crafted basket. It is round and covered by a red velvet. The basket is empty, though. And it's strange that it is placed in the middle of the forest.

After making sure there are no other people beside me in this place (and thus, gone my hope to get help) I pick that basket and continue my journey. Along the way, I gather the delicious fruits and medicinal herbs I can find on my way. At least now, I don't need to worry about food and medicine issue.

With a happy heart, I walk until I arrived on a bridge crossing over a very wide river. There is no way I can swim through that river or walking around it as that river completely block my path for all the way I can see with my eyes. So the only path left for me is to cross the river by the bridge. But the issue is, there is something, or someone guarding the bridge, staying in the middle of it.

A Sphinx. Yeah, that mythological creature that loves to block the hero's path and giving them a riddle before they can pass after answering it right or it will eat them. I am very sure I will also be tested by her.

Oh well, although I am no genius, I am quite confident in my whim. So I brace myself and try to take the challenge up to my sleeves. I go on and approach the Sphinx.

"Oh.... A human.... Long time I not see them....", The Sphinx with the lion's body, eagle wings and the head of a mature woman greeted me.

"Oh, hello, Madam...." I greet her back

"Let's make it quick. You want to pass the bridge? Then answer three of my questions."

"Isnt't it supposed to be just one? Why is it now increased to three?"

"Just accept it or I will eat you right here, right now."

"Urgh.... okay...."

"Good boy, now for the first question, What have the Past, but never the Future?"


"Three, two, ...."

"Wait, wait, I know the answer! It's History! History is about the Past, but not the Future. Although you can learn from it to shape the future."

"Hmmmm, you are quite clever for a human.... Then, second question..."

"Wait, isn't it now my turn? How would it be fair if you give all the questions and I must answer all of them?"

"Oh, so you want to pit your wits against me? Interesting, go on. Be careful though, if I can answer you, it will count as my win and I will eat you."

"Then, here is my question. What animal can make you confused?"

"..... There exist an animal that can make me, a creature of wisdom, confused?"

"Yes there is, and I will tell you, it's a very common animal."

[Detect Lies] "Unbelievable.... To think that you are saying the truth.... But an animal that can make me confused.... And it's very common too.... Hmmmm.... this is hard...."

"Three, Two, ...."

"A Bat! Their supersonic waves can confuse you!"


"Then what is the answer?" (The Sphinx leaned her face so close to me. I almost jump back in scare. I think she is just getting ready to jump and eat me.)

"It's a Buffalo!"

"Buffalo!? How can it make me confused?"

"Aren't you confused now, Madam?"

"Eh? Argh!? You are right.... Okay, that's your win. Ok then, here goes the last question. Behold, the ancient riddle told in the legend.... What's have four legs in the morning, two legs on the day, but three legs in the evening?"

"Isn't it me? A Human?"

"..... Oh, I guess you win. To think that you can answer an ancient riddle in legend"

(Of course I can answer it! That riddle are told in my bedtime story!)

Keeping my poker face, I see the Sphinx opened her wings and get ready to fly.

"Now that you have win, I will let you pass this bridge." Then she put out something with her paw and give it to me. A bright, delicious looking orange red fruit resembling a Fir. Just looking at it ignite my passion to eat it, a hunger thatt suddenly grow not only from my stomach but also my mind.

"This is a Fruit of Knowledge. A once forbidden fruit that will grant wisdom and knowledge once it is eaten. You can also automatically learn the spell [Appraisal] that can be used to identify almost everything under the heaven."

"Wow, thank you very much for the gift, Madam."

"Take it, you deserved it as you can beat me in the battle of wits. Especially on that second question. Ha ha."