The Garden, The Inn and The Well

After saying that, she left. I say my goodbye and waved my hand until she vanished on the horizon. Then, I look back on the fruit I held on my other hand and ogling over it for a bit before I eat all parts of it from the skin, the flesh, to its seeds. Everything.

AsI eat it, I feel a continuous stream of knowledge flooding over my brain. It's a very comfortable process, unlike a sudden jolt of pain like in every other story. The feeling is like when you found a vast sea, and then you swim and dived in it. It's just that wonderful.

And when I finished eating that, something in my head clicked. Suddenly, I have the knowledge of the spell [Appraisal] and felt like I have the proficiency to cast it at my will. I immediately try casting it on myself and found that I am identified as a Level 9 Human with an all rounder stat.

I remember that when I take the entry test back then, I am evaluated as only a Level 7. So in 1 day I unknowingly raise my level by 2. Very good, but I would like to know the reason. The only thing I can think of is that I raise my level from the Academy Entry Test and maybe from eating that fruit or challenging the Sphinx. Whatever, I then proceed to appraise all items that I have. Surprisingly, I found a jackpot.

[Basket of Everlasting: Anything put in this picnic basket while it is covered with the red velvet will never degrade or rot. And while it is covered in the red velvet, the space inside that basket become equal to a 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 metre cubic warehouse.]

Wow, I got a boost in my knowledge, a useful spell and a magical storage item. I quess my luck is JUST THAT GOOD. For those who send me to this place, If I ever go back, I will give you plenty of my thanks. Thank you, whoever you are!

Okay, back to the journey. After crossing the bridge I follow the path leading to another forest. Then, in the middle of it, I found a clearing area with naturally formed flower garden. The road ended right before it. As I can't bear myself to step on those pretty flowers, I turn around and follow a trail way that goes circumventing the flower garden. After taking the round walk, I found another road beginning in the other end of the garden. I left the area and follow the road to the next area.

(Plot Twist: That flower garden here is actually a cursed death trap >:-) Should our MC here choose to make a shortcut by walking through the garden and stepped on the flowers, he will be cursed and turned into another flower to spend the rest of his life in that garden.)

After walking for a while, I found an Inn right after I get out of the forest. Seems like this is a rest area for the travelers before and after going inside the forest. I entered the Inn and found it is likely deserted. Aside from myself, the other person here is an old lady standing on the counter who is actually the Innkeeper and a fat man who seems like a Merchant sitting and drinking in a couch, with some of his wares put on a box placed on the floor.

I try checking in and found the rates is very cheap, only 2 silver coins a night includes the meal. And I am told that I can sell evrything I found in the forest to the fat guy in the dining room. After selling almost all the fruits and some low level Rank One Herbs, I get 5 gold, 3 silver coins and 6 copper coins added to my wallet.

Surprisingly, paper money seems to be nonexistent or are not used in this place. My phone also cannot get any signal so I can't do e-banking and digital transaction. Lucky enough than I always bring some silver and copper coins in my wallet, or else it will be very awkward when I am trying to check in earlier.

Despite the cheap rate, my stay in that inn is very comfortable. They have a hot spring bath, deliciious food for dinner and the vintage styled room is very comfy, giving me a fitfull rest after the night. After I wake up fully refreshed, I eat my breakfast, pay a little tip to the Innkeeper and then left the Inn to continue my journey. I follow the road and enter another forest.

The Innkeeper said that there are no settlement in this place aside from the Inn. I am quite confused about that issue. So, this is really in the middle of nowhere? She also said that the only way for me to return is by visiting the Magical Spring in the middle of that forest and make a wish to return back.

So here I am, trailing on my way in the forest, not bothering to gather fruits and low level herbs anymore. I have spent a night in this place, if I can't go back now there should be a ruckus when I go back after as I have missed my very first day in academy.


Thinking of what kind of bad impression I will give to my whole class make my stomach churn. Now that I have found my goal I can strive to complete it as fast as possible. Before I know it, I have been running through the trail for a long time. I only come back to my sense after I see a well in front of me. Or to be precise, after hearing the yell of help from the well.

"Hello....? Anyone there....? Can you help me?"