The Aftermath

Wait.... Skill? Suddenly, an idea comes to him from his earlier battle with Kiseki. A Martial Art that she unleashed.

The one which produce shockwave on impact. He already knows all the way and method behind that strike. And combined with an example on how to do it personally done to him by her, he believe he can at least do a crude imitation of it. Why don't he try it, then? It's better trying than doing nothing....

The problem is that both his weapon and striking momentum is not strong enough to emit shockwave as strong as Kiseki. So, forget about trying to strike the ground and stagger the enemy with the shockwave.

Ooopppsss! (Swiiissss!!!!) A blade of wind has just grazing him near his nose.

Thinking too hard make his focus on the battle lessened. If not for him to quickly react by swaying his head backwards, his head now must have been hit hard on the side.

Dangerous. Dangerous....

Leaping back to to make some distance, his movement is immediately followed by two lunges of blades aiming on his left kidney and right shoulder. Making a quick swipe, he repel the attack only to be countered with a pincer attack on both his left and right side.

Now! Swaying backward for half a step, Ranata dodge the pincer attack, raised his blade up to gather his strength, then swinging it down right to meet both the blades of Chikane that are currently intersected right in the front of him.

[Shockwave] !!!

The ripples emitted by his blade quickly spread through her blade, reaching into her hands and making her grip loose.

(Flap!!!!) continuing with a quick uppercut right after his blade going down, Ranata strike succesfully disarm Chikane as both of her sword getting loose from her arm, fished out by Ranata and flying through the air. Her attempt to catch back her swords are failed as her opponent swing his wooden sword which landed right on her snow white, tender neck.

"Haahhh.... It seems I too are lost...." Sighing gently, Chikane admit her losing with refined aura.

The crowd are instantly swooned by her regal prestige that didn't lose even after she lose. This time, everyone in the crowd gives their applause to both combatants in the arena.

Like it or not, both the fighters, the boy and the girl have shown such an intense fight of magic and sword in front of them. Even though some boys in the first year are still reluctant, after such performance, they can only blame themselves as they believe none of them can come close to fight as good as that.

Kiseki laughed and jumped to the arena, hopping and hugging both Chikane and Ranata.

This time no one seems to emit any killing intent to Ranata. Instead there are some boys who seems to have come to a realization that "Heavens are truly unfair" or "Comparing yourself with other person are only make you swallow a bitter pill".

They all can only sigh as our MC here enjoying the company of two great beauties right in front of their eyes. A sight for sore eyes, sure. But that same sight also made their heart sore, too. XD

Anyway, now that the Martial Faculty Seminar has ended, everyone are back to their own free time. Ranata is about on his way to attend the next Seminar from Craft Faculty, but Kiseki asks if they can take lunch at Dining Hall now as it's already noon. Chikane also invite him to join them as they have a lot to talk after. How can he, as a healthy young man, refuse the invitation to have lunch with the two beauties?

And then, the three of them walk together to the Dining Hall, which is big enough to compare with a grand family restaurant. Ranata ordered spaghetti with pork cutlet, Kiseki pick ramen and beef cutlet, while Chikane choose to eat rice and chicken karaage. After lunch, they ordered some snacks and desserts enough to fill the table and they chit – chat for an entire hour while eating them.

It's already past 14:00 when they finished all the dessert and snacks on the table. As the girls asks what he wants to do, Ranata take a look at his smartphone to see the schedule of seminar today.

("Okay, Craft Seminar is almost ended, better go there tomorrow.So the only choice I have is the Magic Seminar, huh....") Thinking like that, he told the girls that he plan to take a look on the magic seminar.

He also told them that he plans to attend seminars from all Faculties on this week as to see which Class is good for him. After sharing a quick glance with each other, Kiseki and Chikane nodded together and told Ranata that they are currently only planned to attend the Martial and Magical Class. Kiseki on Might and Primal Class and Chikane on Finesse and Arcane Class.

But now that they think about it again, attending other seminars from other Faculties are also a great idea. That would help to expand their views and it should be a good thing, too. In the end, both the girls ask if they can tag along with him to attend all the seminars in this week. And of course Ranata happily accept the idea of having the two girls accompany him on his trip around campus this week.

Then, after changing their phone number, they set off to go to the Magic Faculty.

Different than the Martial Faculty, the Magic Faculty has a lower number of students and the seminars are also divided into three Classes, each are Arcane, Primal and Divine Class.

So unlike the overcrowded Hall of the Martial Faculty, the Hall of Magic Faculty are more orderly and there are a lot of space to sit down and see the lecture on the seminar. At this time, it's the turn for the Arcane Class Magic Seminar.