Reina The Crimson Witch

Just as expected, the three's arrival cause quite a ruckus among the seminar attendant. The news of an unknown student defeating the Dragon Sisters in a consecutive duels surely have spread like a wildfire on campus.

Especially among the girls who loves about gossiping. Ranata can feel the eyes of all the girls are looking at him like he is some sort of attraction in a showroom. Setting aside the feeling like he is seen like a rare animal in the zoo, the feeling of receiving attention from many (if not all) the girls in the class at once are something that he welcome with open hands as that are surely boosts his pride as a man.

After all, he is just a boy in puberty. As he is just enrolling to the Academy, he is only seventeen years old this years. On the side note, Kiseki and Chikane are surprisingly younger than all the other students who just enrolled this year. They are only sixteen this year, one year younger than him and all other students on their year.

And despite being the youngest, they are the strongest in term of raw power and combat strength among all the students in this year.

"Ara ara, is this the boy who is rumored to have beaten the Dragon Sister?" a seductive tone suddenly greet us from the crowd.

We turned our head toward the voice and found a stunning beauty with bright crimson hair, two curved horns crowned her head from ears up like a splitted tiara. Wearing black night gown ordained with red roses embroidery, she emit a royal aura that rivaled Kiseki and Chikane. While Kiseki and Chikane both carry an air with the majestic presence like an Empress due to their Draconic Majesty, this crimson haired beauty who possess the charm that seems to be able to easily steal the soul of man with just a glance also give off an inviolable aura like an ancient noble from the highest echelon of society.

Both Kiseki and Chikane frowns a bit before asking, "Who?"

Well, Dragons are still Dragons. They have pride and being reminded that they have lost to someone by other people surely have nipped their sense of pride for a bit. Although they behave just like a normal girl when it's come to me, though. I quess with pride also comes respect. Instead of being stubborn and arrogant, those girls recognize the man who have defeated them as someone stronger and thus they are able to give their respect and treated me like their equal? I am not quite sure but more or less that should be what they have in their mind.

Anyway, back to the crimson lady. I remember her as another top student in our grade. While Kiseki and Chikane took the number 1 and 2 spot on the entrance exam, the girl in front of us here is named Reina Beatrix and she is number 6 in the top exam result list. Number 3 to 5 are all filled with boys. So in other words, she is the third strongest girl in our grade. It is said that she specialized in Arcane Magic and are able to cast even the Tier 2 Magics.

"The name is Reina, from Beatrix Family. As you may have heard, I am Half Demon and Half Mermaid." Curtsying elegantly as an aristocrat from the noble bloodline, she calmly faces the two dragon girls with a calm gesture. "May I know your name, handsome?" winking her eyes to me, she ask my name.

Damn, that lovely gesture really make my heart jumped. Trying as much as possible to stay calm, I took a deep breath before answering her question. "My name is Avadhi Ranata. I am only a commoner, though"

"Oh no need to be humble, Avadhi. Being able to defeat the dragons are achievement that even many nobles are unable to do." Amused by my humility, she offered her hand to me. Somehow, the gesture of her hand are like that of a noble lady offering her hand to be taken and kissed by a nobleman who kneel in front of her....

("Is this an invitation? Or a death trap?") as much as it is enticing, I notice how Kiseki and Chikane are somehow displeased as their loss are mentioned again and again. I am not a donkey like the protagonists from certain far east country, okay!? At least I can read the mood and know the basic thing regarding the delicate creatures that are the woman.

So instead of kneeling and kissing her hand like a nobleman, I took her hand and doing handshake with her. Kiseki and Chikane seems to be pleased with my action. Their enchanting lips are curving into a small smile.

Reina clearly are taken aback with my action, though. But she quickly calm herself. I bet that right now, in her mind, she must have told herself that since I am a commoner, I don't know the noble's ethiquette.

Anyway, after a bit of pleasantries, she excuse herself as the seminar is about to begin and choose to sit in the seat not too far from us.

"Be careful of that woman, although she is from a noble family, she is clearly Not a CLEAN woman. Half Demon, she says.... The Demon part must be a Succubus" Kiseki harshly rebuke.

"Well, as Half a Succubus and Half a Mermaid, she must be a Natural Born Seducer." Chikane added in without any reservation.

"Oya? Do I smell the scent of jealousy here?" I tease the girls who make hostile remarks to a girl they have just met while giving them a (very) naughty smile. Kiseki and Chikane only rolled their eyes as their response.

Okay, change of tactic.

"You two are all great girls. No need to talk bad about the other girls, okay? That would just make you sound like a bad girl. Aren't you two already THE BEST?" I try inflating their ego by praising them a bit.

"Ooooh, so you think we are THE BEST? Good, good...." Kiseki are literally beaming with smile as she is looking at me while Chikane is also smiled warmly upon hearing my words.

"Well, is there any other girl better than You Two here in our grade? Both in Beauty and in Power, I think you all are Unrivaled." I try inflating their ego even more by stating the facts rather than just giving an empty flattery. And it works. In no time at all, both Kiseki and Chikane behave and seems to be not upset anymore. The Three of us then attend the seminar in full attention while sometime taking important notes from the lecture.