The First Week

Unlike Martial Faculty, the seminar in Magic Faculty ended after theory lecture finished. No mock battle between mages. Oh, we are a bit disappointed. But the notes we take during the lesson are worth it. Ranata has learned one or two way to effectively train his magic aptitude. Better formulate a training regiment now.

After the seminar ended on 17.00, the Academy are also on the closing hour. Ranata part ways with Kiseki and Chikane to go back to his private dorm house after they eat together in the Dining Hall while discussing their gains. In the dorm, he spend the night with meditation and magic training before he sleep and ends the day.

The morning after, he cast [Appraisal] on himself and found that his Level is increased from 13 to 15. Seems that the duels with the Dragon Sisters and his training regiment in the night has raised his Level by two.

And like that, time flows. In this week, the three of them make a trip around the campus to attend every seminars from each Faculty and Classes. All Class except Divine Magic. Yup, just like Ranata, the two girls are also arrogant enough to refuse the notion of serving a Higher Existence just to gain a bit of power.

From Monday to Friday, each day they took 2 seminars, with lunch in between the seminars and dinner at the end of the day where they also exchange the notes and discussing what they have learned on the seminar.

Ranata have learned the most efficient way to train his Arcane and Primal magic. Based on his calculation, after this month ends he can advance from being a Beginner in Magic to being an Adept, raising his Magic aptitude by two stages (he skip off the Intermediary Level). He has also learned the basic technique of Alchemy and Artifice.

But that's enough. As he already have all the knowledge in his mind, what he lacks are only the opportunity to practice and experience.

In the Craft Seminar, he took part in the practice session, brewing the two Herbs he found on the entrance exam (that Green and Black Herb from Chapter 1). He fails both, though. (Author's Note: I rolled 2 dices to determine his brewing result with 75% rate of success and I got the 25% failure in both T.T)

Quess he need to learn more about flame control and precise measure more. On the other side, Kiseki and Chikane also practice their own potion brewing after some classmates gladly offered some of their herbs. Kiseki barely succeed on brewing her Tier 1 Potion, while Chikane successfully brew a High Quality Potion with the effect that almost compare to a Tier 2 Potion. (Author's Note: Really, the dice result on Chikane's brewing are so high that at first I think to make her potion a Tier 2 before I decided to make it a Tier 1 with the Peak Quality.)

That Achievement shocks the whole class, and fortunately it cover Ranata's miserable failure. After the class ends, the two girls approach the classmates who previously offered their herbs and give them the potion they make as thanks for help. The two boys who receives their potion took it like a Heirloom Treasure. Yes, I am very sure of it as I look at their shining eyes and the envious gazes they receive from the whole class.

("Good, while everyone attention are focused on those two, I better make an escape from here before someone notice my failure.") And so, thinking like that, Ranata sneakily run to meet the girls and go to the Dining Hall together.

Lunch that day are filled mostly with Ranata exchanging notes with Chikane, much to Kiseki dismay as she receive less attention. Chikane though, seems to verily enjoy her time sharing her knowledge with Ranata. She smiles more and her tone become even gentler than usual. She felt more or less like a big sister teaching her dear little brother. Quess her mood is so good after she make a great success.

In the Arfifice Seminar, they have a practice session in which they are asked to imbue a talisman with magical effects, all materials are provide by the Faculty. After they finished, the result of their practice are examined by the instructor and they are given a score on how well they do. Ranata got a passing mark at 7, Kiseki proudly got 9 and Chikane, she make the whole class amazed again as she scored 10.

Kiseki who is previously very happy with her result become dejected as Chikane outshined her again. But she become happy again after Ranata consoled her and praise her result, while showing that his result are not even better than her. He quessed that she just want attention and a bit of pampering, so he gives her a lot.

With all that done, nothing too much interesting happened on the whole week. Aside from the three of them receive BIG Attention wherever they go, everything else are just a common occurence. By the end of the week, they have attended every seminars, with the seminars from Martial Faculty, Arcane and Primal Classes they attended twice. Ranata's Level are also increased one more to reach Level 16 after all this week practice and training. And he can also sense that the girls are also growing in power and knowledge. They must also have raised their level by one or two like him.