Meeting The Upperclassman

"How about it, I am useful, right? Either she is conscious of my feelings or she is oblivious about it, she said such an ambiguous thing when my head is still muddled. I can only nodded to her while I try my hardest to shakes the feeling that is about to creeps in to my heart....

To prevent any mishap, I focused my mind on the knowledge in my brain. I try to search the knowledge about the [Spiked Beast Drake] wherabout. To my surprise, I found out that there is currently 3 Spiked Beast Drakes residing in this forest. I quickly lead the girls to dash to their location.

A smooth journey, it is. As we run through the forest, we found out that our path have been cleaned out from the monsters. Must be the work of our upperclassmen. But the lady in the quest counter said that they have just taken this quest an hour ago. How could they have arrived here quickly? Could they also have someone who can cast teleportation spell? If so, then it is a good choice that I pick Reina into my party and have her teleported us. Or else we might would be arrived here by carriage at the noon only to found out that the forest has been swiped clean.

Oh, we heard the sound of a fight? That must be our upperclassmen fighting the local monsters. We nodded to each other and tried to take a peek on them for a bit. I, Kiseki, Chikane and Reina each found a tree to hide behind and sneakily look on the battle that unfolded in the middle of Primeval Forest.

A graceful woman with two curved horns on her forehead wielding a greatsword attacking two wolf monsters at once. She integrated magics in her sword strike, mercilessly slaughtering the wolves pouncing at her. I recognized the woman as the Student Representative who give a brief speech on our welcoming party. Although she is quite far, she is still in my range of clear sight which allow me to cast [Appraisal] on her. I then take a quick look on her status.

[ Benifuji Ouka / Onigami / Level 19 Rune Knight ]

No wonder she exude a solemn aura despite being an Oni. She is an Onigami, a descendant of an Oni and a Lesser God. Of course she would be bathed in Divine Grace giving her a sacred and inviolable presence. My goodness. She is so graceful and beautiful. I bet the Lesser God part must be her Mother. I refuse to believe that a female Oni can give birth to such an exquisite beauty even if they mate with a God. Not that I would believe that any God would mate with a hideous female like the one from Oni race in the first place....

Setting aside the very rude and harsh judgement in my mind, I look around and found another woman fighting the pack of wolves. There are two of them. They must be in a party since the three of them can coordinate flawlessly to thwart their enemies. Of course, I also cast appraisal on the two womans.

[ Rania Layla / Quetzalcoatl / Level 18 Battle Dancer]

[ Isabell Misha / Holy Elf / Level 18 Priestess ]

("WHAT!? A Quetzal and a Holy Elf!? Aren't they also Demigods? What's wrong with them? How did three Demigods can even meet in a single campus? Are Demigods have become like cabbage in the market? It's only the first week in campus and I already found three of them?") I retorded loudly in my mind seeing such an unfair setting of a party.

A Quetzalcoatl is akin like a fusion of thunder bird, sacred snake, and divine blood in one package. The one battling the monsters in front of us here is a beautiful girl with a pair of winged hands, her rainbow plume looked so dazzling and beautiful. The way her fights is like dancing, gracefully evading each attacks while she swipes her whip that is crackling with lightning barbs to paralyze and cleave her enemies.

A Holy Elf is similar to Onigami, they are the descendant of Lesser Gods who mate with an Elf. I don't need to describe her otherworldly beauty, right? Words alone are not enough to convey the message. And if you force an author to write it, he might ends up making a whole volume of a book just to describe her appearance. And despite doing that, what he can convey is not even a tenth of the true beauty we behold with our eyes.

The Oni brutally cleaves her enemies, all with only a single swipe of her greatword. Sometime a single swipe can even bisected two wolves at once. The Quetzal dancing around luring enemy attacks, provoking them to pounce on her and to met their death with a flick of her whip. The Elf gracefully stand on their back, providing support by buffing her friends with boosting spells or slinging arrows of light from her scepter to rain down on the enemies.

Okay..., we have seen enough, I quess. I give signal to Kiseki, Chikane and Reina to come with me. They nodded and we try to leave the area by taking a round – about way. Right now, our priority is to slay our targets. Looking at the our senior's power, I realize that they have more than enough to trailblaze their way through the forest before us.

Taking that in our mind we are about to make a detour to leave them. But then arrows of light rained down right in the front of us, forcing us to halt our steps and turn around to look out on our backs....