Satellite and Teleport

However, the lady in the quest counter frowns when she sees our quest.

"Something is wrong?" I asked.

"No..., It is just... That quest is already taken..." "What? Then how did the notice are still on the board?" "It's just taken an hour ago. A group of senior student takes it just this morning."

"Then, this quest are still not finished, right? We can still claim it and if we can finish faster, then it is done."

"Oh, yes. That is right. However, are you sure? This is just your second quest and you already take a high level one." "Yes, we are very sure. If anything goes south, we can still escape, anyway."

"Okay, then. I will approve this quest acceptance."

After finishing the procedure for taking the quest with a bit of problem, I turned to the girls. "Okay, girls. Seems the challenge is upped now. We will be racing against our seniors on who can finish this quest faster."

"Yey, I love the challenge! Things sure get excited now!" Kiseki said. "This is interesting..." said Chikane.

"Wait, please bring me too!" Reina pleaded with us. "Oh...? Why would we bring you? Kiseki asked, with a heavy smirk. "Is there any benefit you can give for us? Aside from being a burden with low level, it is..." Chikane also asked with a very sharp tongue. Wow, the girls sure hate her, huh. No wonders, it is her own fault for rubbing against the dragon's scale, anyway. Not my problem. So, without further ado, the three of us walked out from Quest Hall to rent our carriage.

"Wait, I can teleport all of you to the quest location!" Reina yelled from behind.

"Ah!? You can do it?" I turned my head around and asked her back. "Are you sure? You are just Level 11, should not you be at least Level 20 or possess a very special bloodline to be able to cast magics above your tier?"

"Yeah, I don't think your succubus and mermaid bloodline is enough to support you to cast that high level of spell." Kiseki remarked. "You must be bluffing." Chikane said coldly.

"It is a Demon, not a Succubus! That is very Different!" Reina answered back. "And I am not bluffing, look, I have this!" She then showed us a Black Pendant, taken out from her cleavage. It is a pitch black gemstone shaped like a rhombus, framed with gold and hanging gloriously in the middle of her chest. I instinctually used [Appraisal] when I see it.

[Amulet of Spell Raise: Increases the bearer's magical power and the Tier of Spells that can be casted by the bearer by 1. Once per day: Increase the Tier by 2, instead.]

Wow, good stuff. As expected of a lady from an ancient noble lineage. She sure have magic item worthy of her title. So, this means she can cast a Level 3 or even a Level 4 Spell? However, I also wanted to know why did she so strongly want to join us, to the point of showcasing her heirloom which should be a secret.

"Why are you so stubbornly wanted to join us?" I asked her while looking directly to her eyes.

"I wanted to see how you fight. I also wanted to learn how to become strong like you three. Please! I can teleport you in and out from that place. Surely that would help you reach the place even faster, right?" She pointed out the benefit of letting her joining us. Well, it is true that we now are presently racing against time. We need to complete the quest before the upperclassmen finished it. So this should be a good opportunity, both for us, and for her. It is not without risk, though.

"Okay... You can follow us, then. However, I will tell you, right after we arrived, we will rush to our target. You should be able to fend yourself alone. Can you do it?" I asked her again.

"If it is only escaping and not fighting, I can do it. I promise I will not become a burden to you!" Reina said confidently.

"Oh, good. It's settled then. You girls also agree, right?" I turned my head to Kiseki and Chikane andasked their approvals. Both the girls give their Ok and we are then teleported to our destination...

Primeval Forest....


The winds swirled as dimensional crack opened, leading a portal which brings us to our destination. [Dark Gate], a Tier III Spell that are able to open an interdimensional gate for a brief period of time, allowing small number of people to enter the portal and passed it through to another place.

"Wow, we really arrived at our destination... Have you ever gone to this place? Your level should only be barely enough to walked around the place filled with level 11 to 15 monsters, right?" I asked Reina curiously.

"Hm hm... Of course I never come to this place before. If I come here alone, would not it be me seeking death?" Reina smirked and answered me in a playful tone.

"Then..., If you have never ever come to this place, how can you be able to open [Dark Gate] and send us to here? Should not you need to be here in the first place before you are able to teleport to this place? Can you teleport to a place that you have never visited before?" My curiosity have become heavier.

"It's actually quite easy. All I need to do is open G**gle Map, Look at the Str**t View, and find a Satellite Image of our destination. And the used it as reference for my portal destination. And even if the image is outdated, so long as I input the right coordinates when I chanted the spell, everything should be alright." Reina lightly said such a revolutionary way of using teleportation spell.

"Wow, Magic and Technology are such an amazing thing. By using Satellite Technology as a beacon for your spell, does not that means that your Teleportation can easily transport you to any place that is not a restricted area? That sure is BROKEN." I said that to Reina while being amazed. She showed me a smile so bright it etched in my heart. Damn..., this girl really have a deadly charm... If I can not control myself, I might pounce on her, right here, right now.