One Horned Lion King 

After one hour spend walking through the forest, battling all the monsters along the way and gather their loots, finally we found our target. The One Horned Lion King we encountered is a Level 16 beast type monster. Unexpectedly a bit stronger than the average level for its species and coincidentally have the same level as me.

It is not a magical beast, though. Just a simple brute with raw power. That make it a perfect target for our warm up. It is a Big Lion the size of an Elephant, its claws are as long and sharp as daggers. A single white horn protruded from its forehead, a feature which gives it its name. In this forest where the average level of monsters are only around level 11, it is just natural that it reigned over the area like a King.

Sensing the presence of intruders entering it's territory, it gives out a roar loud enough to make the air ripples and creating shockwaves that strikes right on to us.

[Silence] ! As it is very noisy I chanted one of the Tier 2 Spells I have practiced after I reached level 15 on him. The roar stopped and the lion stood confused as it become a mute. Taking into the opportunity for first strike, Kiseki and Chikane rushed to the beast and unleashed a barrage of spells on it while running to approach it.

Blam! Blamm! Whish! Blammm! Duarrrr!!!! Blarrrrr! Whish! Whish! Whish!!! Bam! Thud.

Eating the merciless barrage of Kiseki's [Fire Ball] and Chikane's [Air Blade], five shots each, the lion are put in a very sorry state before Kiseki impale its heart with her guan dao and Chikane behead it with a crossing slash of her two swords.

Quick and Clean.

Our enemy didn't even get a chance to move as all its four legs are buried underground with my half casted [Burrow] Spells. I should rename this spell as [Bury] instead of [Burrow] now, as I uses it more often to bury my opponent's leg now.

I put the head of the lion into my picnic basket. It's funny looking at how the big head are sucked into the basket like being flushed in the closet. Now that our task has finished without any problem, we walk back on our way to the entrance of the forest where our carriage are waiting to take us back to the campus. Now that we have cleared all the monsters on our way and the Boss are taken care of, we have the leisure to pick the fruits, herbs and anything the nature have for us along the way. And thus we ended the day by registering our quest completion in the Quest Hall and then take a date, ehem, I mean, dine in together in campus Dining Hall.

On Sunday, I meet up with the girls to take on the Spiked Beast Drake Subjugation as I promised to Kiseki. On our way to the Quest Hall, we unexpectedly meet with Reina Beatrix. Seems like she is on her way back from leading her party on a quest. It's quite a crowd. There are 6 person in her party, who clearly are under her command.

"Oh, my, pleasure to meet you, Avadhi. Did you also come to the Quest Hall?"

"Hello, Lady Beatrix, pleasure to meet you too."

"Oh, don't need to be too formal, now. Just call me Reina, handsome."

"Uhhhh.... Okay then, Reina." Somehow I can feel the two sisters in my back become a bit hostile to this lady. I can feel their aura clearly. It's a feeling like when you found a cat that have stolen your fish.

Thankfully, Reina is not too insensitive. As she also sense how her party become uncomfortable under the glares of the two sisters, she part ways from us to register the completion of her quest. Not before she asks to exchange our phone number, though. I have no reason to refuse, even if it's clear that the two sisters doesn't like her.

So, while her party completes their quest, we also are on our way to take our second quest. As we bring the quest notice from the board to the counter, Reina who have finished the administration for her party and part ways from them comes to us and take a peek on our quest. Naturally, she is surprised when she see our choice.

"Ara!? Spiked Beast Drake!? Aren't they around Level 17? Are you sure!?" Reina asked us while gasping in disbelief.

"Hmmm? Something strange? It's average level are the same as me, Kiseki and Chikane are also there with me. So it's not a problem."

Yup, after taking on the quest yesterday, our Level has raised again. Now I am Level 17 and both Kiseki and Chikane are at Level 15. There is no way that we will lose to a Beast with the same level, even though they may have a stronger body and raw power than us.

"What!? You are level 17? Impossible. How....? Even I, am only Level 11...." Reina asked again. First in a high pitch surprised tone, then in a low, dejected voice. Kiseki and Chikane who heard her low tone are getting smug instead.

("Hmph, acting so high and mighty, turns out her level is so low....") Their expression clearly convey that message.