The Final Duel II

As I racked my brain, I remembered on my very first duel in the Academy. Okay, gotta try to do that. It is better to do something rather than nothing at all.

Thinking like that, I began to use a [Smoke] Spell to make a smoke screen on the Arena. My enemy stopped his advance and warily looked at his surrounding. I used my [Burrow] Spell to hide underground and walk around the arena while shooting [Lightning Bolt] at him from time to time.

As I am getting closer to him from the underground, my [Lightning Bolt] are also getting even faster to reach him due to our shorter distance.

My enemy began to strike back in a desperate manner to repel the incoming [Lightning Bolt] that begin to rain on him in a frenzy.

He quickly swing his sword to protect his back, then his front, then his left foot, after that is his right shoulder, and so on.

I can see he began to feel exhausted from repelling my barrage that comes from every direction.

Finally, for the surprise element, I cast [Burrow] to his feet right after I shot another [Lightning Bolt]. With one of his leg suddenly half buried to the ground, he became staggered and his stance broken, allowing my [Lightning Bolt] to strike right on his face.

As I heard a hysterical scream coming from his direction, I become even more spirited and continue raining [Lightning Bolt] on him with greater vigor.

I also diligently cast a [Burrow] Spell on him, stopping on it right when half of my opponent's body are buried under the ground like a stalk of carrot.

I get out from my hideout for a better view in the middle of the smoke screen and keep barraging the carrot, errmmm, I mean, the opponent with [Lightning Bolt].

After I am satisfied looking at his body that is assaulted in jolts and spasms, I kicked away the dark sword that is gripped loosely in my enemy's hand.

Right after I disarmed his sword, his aura immediately drop down and I obviously can feel how much he became weakened.

From a strength equal to four levels above me, now he is dropped down to two levels below me.

I easily raised the hilt of my sword, squatted in front of my half buried enemy who are still paralyzed and weakened, and begin to mercilessy pommeling on his helpless face, breaking his nose, jaw and pulling off some teeth.

I can't count how much of his tooth that have fallen and scattered on the floor until the smoke screen is cleared up minutes later.

Oh, there is only eight of them, huh.... I expected at least ten.

Standing up with a bit of disappointment, I look on the referee who squinted his eyes when he looked at the miserable state of my enemy, before shaking his head while sighing and then declare me as the winner.

Ah, that old man must have been seeing how I humiliate each and every one of my enemy from the start of my duels this week.

After a gentle reminder from him about how I should respect my senior, I humbly accept his advice with grace.

Well, after venting my steam, it is better not to antagonize the teachers and elders of the Academy too.

He seems to be quite satisfied with my attitude who does not become haughty and arrogant despite being a winner and still listening to his word.

Now that he is finished with his lecture, we continue on the next course, taking one of the items held in the possession of the loser.

Without any formality, I take off the precious storage ring from his fingers.

He glared at me when I do that but I only give him a smile that said "You sore loser, do you want to be humiliated in front of public again?"

The teacher in charge of overseeing the duel coughed at me and said that I can not take that. "Why?" I asked. He said that a storage ring contains many items and so can not be counted as a single item.

"Oh, so it is like that. Easy." I said that while I emptying the ring right in front of everyone, burying my former enemy who are still struggled to take his body out from being stuck on the ground with his own items that comes pouring out from his ring.


He is quite rich, huh.

There are quite an amount of medicinal pills and collection of weapons stored in his ring. I am not interested in any of them and still keep the ring as my prize, though.

And so, with merry feet and happy heart, I walk out from the arena. Leaving behind a mountain of stuffs burying my former enemy.

Kiseki, Chikane and Reina are also left in tow with me. The three girls are waving their hands to our supporters and said their thanks for the support.

The crowd, mainly the male students erupted in the cheers for the girls's greetings.

As we walked out from the Martial Hall, we meet with Ouka, Layla and Misha.

They congratulates me for my winning strike but the three seniors in front of me also give a warning for me as I have offended many seniors with my humiliation on their fellows at the duel.

Before I shrugged those off and thanked them for their cares and worry, Ouka unexpectedly invite me to officially join her party.

She said that in the Campus Ground we are all safe as there are many eyes looking at us. But no one knows what will happens if one go to take on the Quests while in the wilderness.

And to prevent something unpleasant happening such as the grudging people attacked me on the quests, Ouka, Layla and Misha comes to an agreement to let me join their party so that all of us can go together whenever we go out to explore the world.

After I am thanking the senior ladies for the invitation, I asked for them to also let the three junior girls who have become my party to be able to joined.

Layla happily accept the suggestion, as Kiseki and Chikane have proven their strength. And although a bit lacking, Reina is also not bad too as a first year student.

She only need a little more polish to shine more.