The Third Week

The two weeks after that are rather peaceful. After auctioning all the loots I won from the duels (except the storage ring, of course) I am getting quite rich with gold and platinum coins.

From now on, I will wear this convenient storage ring with the capacity of 125 metre cubics on my finger and left the basket with the bigger capacity (512 metre cubics) hidden inside the closet in my private house.

On Monday in the third week of the first month, the Principal who oversaw my fight last week surprisingly send an Elder lady to invite me to go have a private talk with him on his office room.

Of course, as a student I will go and accept the invitation.

After arriving alone and have a private talk with the Principal, who mainly asks about my background, how I become so much stronger than my peers in the same year and whatnot, the Principal who realize than I have the strength equal to the top students in the last year told me that he will give a special privilege for me.

So, in the end, I get to moved to a big mansion (after I got a refund for my former private dorm house) located in a special spot outside the other student's living area.

The mansion is located in the northest area above a small hill around 200 metres in high, overseeing the other student's dormitories and private dorm houses below it in the front.

And for the back of the mansion, we have a view of a lush forest pleasing to the eyes.

This mansion felt more like my own private dormitory as I am the only one living in that mansion which is big enough for ten people to live inside comfortably.

And because of that, I get the permission letter to have the other students live in that mansion so long as they have my consent and they register their application for living there on the Academy's Student Affair Council.

The news about me getting special treatment from the Principal and even having my own dorm mansion located in a very private area traveled far and wide quickly in the academy.

The Elders and Teachers quickly used this opportunity as a propaganda to make other students in my year to work dan study hard while using me as an example of how the Academy will treat them with favor so long as they have talents and power.

I only shakes my head hearing them.



I have only unknowingly stumbled into a Wonderland, luckily survived and then fortunately be able to coming back to this world after I reap so many benefits from it.

I don't even know if I would be able to go again to another Wonderland.

I don't know how to get there, how to survive and even how to be able to came back well and alive like the last time.

(Now, Dear Readers... If you have read so many novels out there, then you should have already know that this kind of pondering by our protagonist here are a heavy raising flag for the next plot, right? ;P )

Kiseki, Chikane, and Reina who heard that I get a big private mansion with many rooms inside come over to me and we have a little tour sightseeing around the mansion.

They then asked if I would permit them to moved and live in my mansion so that we can train and learn together as a party even better than if we live separately.

How could I as a man reject that kind of requests from such beauties? And it is even three of them!

So without further ado, we go to the Student Affair Council and complete the registration for the three girls to get their permit to move to my mansion.

After that, I leave it for them to choose which room they will take.

There are six private room on the second floor of my mansion.

Three on the East side and Three on the West Side.

Each are big enough for two to four people to live with comfy in them.

As I have taken the middle room in the East, Kiseki and Chikane quickly choose the room in my right and Reina choose the room in my left.

So..., no one wants to live in the West side?

Anyway from now on we will be together until we graduate, I think.

On Saturday, we meet with our seniors Ouka, Layla and Misha as we have appointed.

We have officially registered seven of us in a single party and from now on we will take on Quests together.

Wow, having me as the only man in a Party filled with Six Top Beauties in Campus sure have made me a bit high in my head.

While I have not making any advances to any one of them for now, who knows how will the future develop?

In this case, I should do my best as to not disappoint any of the girls who have put their trusts in me and having me joined with them in this party.

Our seniors are a bit surprised though, when they heard that their juniors have all live together in a private mansion provided by the Academy.

Layla asked if there would be any time when they can come over to look around too and I said yes, they can came over anytime to play at my place.

Ouka and Misha only nodded when they hear my approval but I can clearly see that they are happy about it.

So for this Saturday and Sunday, we take on the Quest to hunt the Arsenal Ants.

We have a report that they have made a Nest in a Forest located in the West from the Academy. They have levels ranged from 10 to 20.

To Complete the Quests we need to slay at least one Level 20 and ten others on the level below it.

After Reina opened her G**gle Map, take a look at the Str**t View, and find the Satellite Images to confirm our destination, Misha take a look over it and then teleported us to our quest location.

After arriving there, we take a look around to assess the situation, and with the knowledge I have in my head, I make a little calculation to predict the whereabouts of our targets nearby.

There are three Level 20 Arsenal Ants nearby, each are surrounded by four to six Arsenal Ants with lower level than it.

Oh, so it seems that the Level 20 Arsenal Ants take the position of a Party Leader in their respective group. I told the girls what I know before we roll in action....